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Oh man. YOU GUYS.
The airshow was a total parental FAIL.
The sun was shining in Bountiful on Saturday morning when we left, so despite knowing that the forecast called for freezing rain and gusty winds, we set off for the air force base in short sleeves, leaving our sweaters behind in a rumpled pile on the couch. Because - hey - the sun! Stupid weather people. Shows what THEY know, smirk smirk.
(Oh Sue. Sue, Sue, Sue, Sue, Sue. You moron.)
We got to the base right on time, set off on the mile-and-a-half hike to the tarmac feeling slightly chilly but optimistic that it could only warm up as the day progressed (HA!) (HAHAHAHAHA!), and by the time we got through the security we were walking ice cubes. We kept seeing cool things we wanted to stop and look at, but we were too cold, and figured it would be better to just keep moving.
When we got to the runway area we sat in the dirt and huddled up together in the grass under the sheet (WE BROUGHT A SHEET) (MORONS) we had planned to use as a picnic blanket. All of the other parents were totally judging us (almost was I warmed by the heat of a thousand parents giving me laser stink eye) as they held their own parka clad toddlers, but one kind lady (BLESS YOU KIND LADY) took pity on us, or rather, on my children, and insisted that we take one of her thick blankets. Unfortunately one thick blanket for four children and two adults is – still not enough blanket.
Despite parachuters descending from the sky holding American flags, and fighter jets zooming down over our heads, all we could really think about was our rapid onset hypothermia. It was miserable and we ended up leaving after about an hour. AN HOUR.
I felt pretty bad about it, because they would’ve loved it if we’d been appropriately dressed.
The mile-and-a-half hike back to our car in the freezing wind and rain was – well – it was horrible, despite Megan's sweet attempts to make the best of it with her "it’s o.k., because we're on an adventure and sometimes you’re cold when you’re on an adventure” type talk. Emma, on the other hand, (who is not at ALL like me when she gets upset, not at ALL) rolled her eyes and muttered a bunch of stuff I couldn't quite catch and a number of things I could, including “ridiculous” and “freezing” and “stupid airplanes” but she kept grimly marching forward and I couldn’t really blame her at that point.
When we got home the kids were all irritable and snappish
with each other, and after making chocolate chip cookies failed to improve
their mood I banned them to the basement Until Further Notice. This, as usual,
had the fortunate side effect of transforming them into The Alliance of
Unfortunately Oppressed Children Who Must Band Together Against The Enemy and
they spent the rest of the day making indoor forts and playing - I don't know -
some very involved game that had to do with forts. (I’m a very attentive
mother, obviously.) (I was DONE at that point, what can I say.)
Sunday was rainy and cold again.
(May is such a jerk.)
I coped with my weather related disappointment by moping
around and letting the kids watch positively unhealthy amounts of Phineas and
Ferb. I kept pacing back and forth and sighing
heavily and muttering inconsiderate comments about nature and my husband
On Monday we went - - well, actually, before we went anywhere we spent the morning cleaning stuff.
Lest you think it is non-stop fun around here, please know that interspersed with all of our (FAILED) activities, there is always plenty of slave labor going on. I like to work my children's fingers to the bone using my highly complicated chore system, which consists of me looking around to see what needs to be done and then making them do it, and saying a lot of things like "ZIP IT" and "yes, well life is not fair", and "If you're complaining that just tells me that you need more stuff to do" and a lot of other things I swore I would never say to my own children.
But LATER, later on Monday we went
out to Fairfield for the
Camp Floyd Memorial Day celebration, (which you can read about, er, via that link right back there) (before the comma) (what, you need directions?). The older kids had lots of fun.
Josh is two now.
Josh is currently very committed to his core values of:
1) "I DO IT MYSELF" and
2) "I CANNOT BE CONTAINED" along with a smattering of
What this means, practically speaking, is that he is very, very annoying to take anywhere.
He spent a lot of time accosting various puppies,
attempting to run out of the park and into the road, trying to sneak onto the stagecoach or under the stagecoach, or basically anywhere he could potentially be kicked to death by the stagecoach horses, and watching a field
mouse darting in and out of his hole.

(OK, so that part was cute.)
He also spent a lot of time demanding non-existent
crackers, telling us he WOULDN'T NOT DO IT when we asked him to do ANYTHING,
sitting in time-out, and flailing around when we tried to carry him. It
was charming. OH SO VERY CHARMING.
(This is what you get for saying, “Oh, he’ll probably just take a nap in
the car.”)
We wound up the weekend with a barbecue at my mom's - roasting hot dogs (Josh: "I DIVE IN THE FIRE") and marshmallows ("I SPREAD HOT MELTED SUGAR ON ME TENDER PARTS") over the firepit.
I have never been so glad to buckle him into his car seat in my life. (BLESS YOU CAR SEAT LAWS, that allow me to buckle in my child, hand him a book, and then righteously ignore him for at least 50 miles.)
(And now you know the real reason we go on lots of long day trips - long stretches of time when he is legally strapped in place.)