Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Workin' for the MAN

So... I just started a new technical writing job. A JOB. That's right, after years of working for myself, I've been forced to pack it in and join all of the other miserable drudges on the roadways. (The freeway is seriously FREAKING ME OUT. I used to be a maniac on the road, but for the last three years I've mostly just driven on tiny little 25 mph backroads and now, I swear, my life is flashing before my eyes everytime I drive into the office. Serious anxiety. I'm thinking I need to design a jet pack, Gilligan style. It would probably be safer than Utah freeways.)

From what I understand, the first week or so, I will have to actually get dressed and come in to an actual office, with other worker type people. After that, I've been told I can work from home and work the hours I want, and all of that good stuff. So it will hopefully be a lot like working for myself, but with benefits, and retirement type stuff and a guaranteed paycheck. (That last part is actually sort of important, as it turns out.) It's a great opportunity and I'm excited about it, but nervous.

I spent most of the day sitting around and smiling nervously when people talked to me because hoooooo boy, I'm so not used to having people around when I'm working. And people were talking ALL DAY LONG. It is FREAKY. I usually have to get in my mental writing zone and instead of having relative quiet, all around me I'm hearing, "Man, this server is SOOWEEEEEEET!!" and "I am NOT going up in the ceiling to pull cable," and "No, House is not grumpy, he's manic." It'll take some getting used to.

And guess what?! Did you know, apparently, in an office, they frown on the whole - blogging thing? (Who knew?) I will have to readjust my blogging schedule. I can't stay up all night long either because - I have to get up and get dressed in the morning now. It's all very bizarre. But nice. Nice and bizarre. Bizarre and nice. Cross your fingers for me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am unsure that I will ever again have the grooming, vocabulary, and social skills to rejoin a real, human workplace. Good luck!

    Also, thanks for stopping by my bah-log. I'll certainly be hanging around yours

  3. I get a little distracted at work sometimes, what with all the people.

    I give you 12 days of going to sleep earlier.

  4. Umm...having just made this little transition to going to full time days myself..I don't know whether to weep for joy for you or weep for not joy for you. So, I'll just weep.
    Best of Wishes for you!

  5. wow. i'm trying to go the opposite way! i don't want to hear the 'oh the coffee machine is down' and the 'what are you going to do for lunch' s anymore.

  6. Yea! Another technical writer!


  7. Seriously? It's only been six months? Dude. That's so not fair. You're already like way awesomely better than me. That's right. I used the word "awesomely."

  8. Good luck this week! I'm not sure I could do it.

  9. It's a whole new world out there, huh? I'm already envisioning lots of posts about cubicle land.

    I know you're doing great --

  10. Gratz, doll on the new J.O.B.!

    At least you have a light at the end of the tunnel with getting to work from home again shortly . . .take this time as an opportunity to stock up on office supplies :)

  11. Yea! A guaranteed paycheck! I hope everything goes exactly as you hope. Congratulations!

  12. Ohhhh Suuueeee... the first week back at work is kind of like the first week of a new baby...lots of crying and you're not sure who is crying nor are you sure exactly why, hardly any sleep and when you do sleep it is either that "I'm so exhausted I don't care if the house burns down around me - just don't wake me" or it's the "Huh? Did I sleep in? Did somebody die?" every three seconds sleep, and the adjustment to still doing EVERYTHING you used to do at home AND go to work as well. My hat is off to you. Suggestion: fast food is really not as evil as they say and delivered pizza is a delightsome thing.

  13. wow. starting a new job right before Christmas. That's not asking for stress...

    and I guess it's alright to lurk until you can figure out when to blog... (and those losers just don't know how cool blogging actually is, otherwise, they'd be addicts too.)

  14. Congrats on the job...sounds AWESOME!!!! Hopefully I'll be next!

  15. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Good luck at your new job!

    P.S. LOVED the birthday parable!

  16. If you got a job, does that mean you are NOT selling your house and moving away from Utah??
    And what the heck? Starting a job right before Christmas? That seems like more stress than I could handle, but then, I am kinda at my limit right now.

  17. Yay for you, I think. Well, the regular paycheck is really good, the whole "spotty blogging" thing? Not so much. But yay! that it's just for a little while before we get you back.

  18. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Yep, Sue. Utah freeways are definitely the scariest places I have ever driven, including Washington, D.C. and L. A. and Vegas. Apparently "honor, obey and sustain the law" applies until you hit the freeway on-ramp, where it is every person to him/herself and total ignoring of the speed limit. In fact, that mentality really seems to start as soon as one leaves the driveway.
    I'm glad you will soon be able to work from home. The office thing can be very distracting.

  19. As someone who works from home, I tend to gripe a lot, a real whole lot, when I have to actually dress nicely for my job and interact with people in person.

    Ironically, part of why I was hired was because of my people skills and my past experience with working with donors and volunteers.

  20. Wow - a real job - I am so impressed. But, who's doing your other job? Your mom?

    Was that nosy? I'm just intrigued, how anyone manages to go back to work and still handle the household responsibilities. The logistics stump me anytime I even consider it.

  21. Does this mean your not blogging any more or you're slowing down?? Oh, please don't go away!
    I truly understand needing a paycheck. You're brave to start a new adventure right before Christmas! Good luck!

  22. Congrats. Paychecks are good. Working from home distracts me. (Laundry and kids and carpool and all...staring at me, crying, pleading to be fed, folded, driven, entertained...)

    I know you're far more of a pro at it than I am though. You will be awesome at this new venture.

  23. Woo Hoo - good luck with your new job - that's exciting. Take care and see you soon. Kellan

  24. congrats and good luck!

  25. In another life (about 7 years ago)I drove downtown Memphis daily. I don't remember being stressed about it, it was just part of life. It was also pre-child. Now, if I have the misfortune of being on the interstate in Memphis during rush hour it makes me want to pull my hair out. I guess it is what we get used too? Hopefully the reverse learning curve will not be that long!

  26. you should come work at my office...

    they don't frown if they don't know

  27. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I would pay SERIOUS money to see you jetting around in a backpack thingy.

  28. Congrats on your new job!!!!

    When you do get a chance to blog come on over, I'm doing my first ever contest!!!! I'm sooooo excited!

    You've only been blogging for 6 months!?!?!? How the heck do you get 50 something people to comment on your blog???? :))

  29. suburbancorrespondent said...
    "I'm just intrigued, how anyone manages to go back to work and still handle the household responsibilities."

    You lower the bar, and you lower it right fast. Your husband has to pick up more (except sometimes he doesn't.) Basically, you have two shifts, and sometimes you even get to sleep. Ask me how fun it is to go back to work when you have babies, not just preschoolers, so you're up half the night.

    Yay, WORK!

  30. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I'm not sure how I feel about the possibility of this new job causing your blog to lag. Maybe you need to reconsider your priorities. But best of luck to you!

  31. Oh, no, I'm still BLOGGING. I just don't know how much I'll be able to comment. I've not lost my MIND people ;>

    SC - DH and I have been juggling, juggling, juggling, and we used a babysitter one day this week. DH and I have always shared the household responsibilities - TRULY. He does the laundry and cooks and does just as much, if not more than I do. He's awesome.

  32. That whole "having a job" thing can really put a crimp in the social life huh.

    What do you mean I can't sit around reading my blogs all day? Whatever.

  33. Wow...that sounds all...ugh..grown up and stuff. Will miss your lovely comments. Good luck!

  34. I go to attend a "water incident" in my house, which involved plumbers who did not show up and painters who did not show up and then I wrote this Dr. Seuss thing for which I may be damned eternally to hell and what happens?

    You got a job??? Dude. I feel so frumpy and unwashed and stuff. And broke, did I mention broke?

  35. Congrats on the job! I love money. I don't love working so much. But the money part makes me happy.

  36. Congratulations, I hope. I have to get dressed to go to work now too. I'm in mourning.

  37. Congrats on the new job!!
