Thursday, December 20, 2007

Deep Thoughts

So, uh, I now work in the IT department of a mid-sizish company. We have our own little wing. The dress code is very, very casual. Today I was wearing a white t-shirt with a red sweater, nice dark blue jeans and boots and I felt so freaking overdressed it is not even funny. The guy in the cubicle across the way was wearing jeans that were missing the middle part. I could see all of both of his knees. And not in the fashion statementy way. Just in the - I've had these jeans for a really long time and now they are falling apart and soon I will be nude kind of way. The boss laughed at him, but didn't ask him to change or anything, just sort of shook his head in that, "Oh, you're such a character," type of way.

Anyway. I'm feeling very fashionable. (My friends and family just keeled over laughing, I'm sure.) This is quite good for my ego. It's almost as good as going to the fair. I always feel so slim and classy at the fair, don't you?


  1. mmmm....corndogs.

  2. Psssst... Emily.... I know I've used that joke before. But it's just too true not to say it again.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I feel like I have left my home planet when I go to the fair.

    I, too, usually feel completely over dressed at work--you know, what with the clean clothes and no shorts.

  5. Yes, I feel slim and classy at the fair. Also at Golden Corral Saturday morning breakfast buffet.

  6. I used to come home from my Weight Watcher's meetings and say to my husband, "If you think I'm fat, you should see who I've been hanging out with tonight."

  7. When we lived in Texas these two niave Canadians went to the Texas State fair on the day of a very big college football game on the fairgrounds. We not only felt slim and classy, we had a true "cultural experience".
    One we decided to skip the following year. You can only have so much "culture".

  8. Um, yes, actually I do feel slim and classy at the fair - in comparision to the other fair goers. You have no idea...

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I feel slim and attractive at Ryan's Cafeteria. Or I feel a heart attack in my future.

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Isn't it freaky?! If that's work attire, I would hate to see their casual wear! ::shudder::

  11. Yes I do enjoy how I feel at the fair and at Lagoon. My lack of cutoffs and a bikini top really set me apart!

  12. I worked in an archive at ASU,and my boss decided to step up the librarians' dress code. So he required me to wear skirts or trousers (I was new), but the rest of my coworkers didn't comply. They liked their dolphin shorts and tank tops. They weren't coeds, neitha, but heavyset 4o-something mamas with no time for shaving or hair-brushing. It wasn't too pretty. Now that I think about it, it was a lot like the fair. I even threw up a lot, (cause I was pregnant. Not cause of deep fried twinkies.)

  13. Ahhh the fair... Home of Tube Tops and Cut-offs. Classy indeed!

    But then again, you also get deep fat fried twikies and oreos, go figure!

  14. I hate the fair.

  15. I think it's fair to say (HA!) that spending one day at any state fair will make most Americans cocky enough to talk back to their doctors at their next high-blood pressure appointment.

  16. My husband works in IT. He wears khaki shorts to work nearly every day, including the winter. He'll consider long pants if he has an important meeting or there's snow on the ground.

  17. I am with you, I would be in nice jeans with boots. I would feel strange wearing my holey jeans - although I love them and refuse to give them up.

    And the fair? Yeah, those people are in a class by themselves. We go to an agricultural fair every year. We usually just go to see all the animals though. The rif raf is usually hanging out by the carnival type stuff which we stay away from.

  18. Hey, missed a few posts, so happy new job! Apart from the dress code (which I love, but understand takes some adjusting to), your new job sounds awesome!


    Heidi :)

  19. Oh, the fair.

    I was asked to the state fair like, three times while I was in high school. ALWAYS by one of the stoners who inevitably had a locker next to mine.

    There's just something special about a fair . . .

  20. Ummm... holy crap, but you might work with my nephew!

  21. A couple of years ago my office manager showed up in a mesh t-shirt. I am not kidding. They replaced her with a girl who seemed to think that her body was as hot as she imagined it to be, and we would all like to see it and her underwear (providing she was wearing it) on a daily basis. yeah, it was one classy place. Like the fair, but with really boring work to do and the inability to escape the freaks.

  22. Ah, the fair - a place where you get to see how far spandex can stretch.
    Not only do I feel slim but my family doesn't seem so odd.

  23. I thought you meant he was wearing like chaps or something. Glad it was just his knees that were showing.

  24. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Now you are feeling slim and classy, so we shouldn't have sent the video to "What Not to Wear"? The family is gathered and waiting in Las Vegas! And you thought it was all about Christmas.

  25. Anonymous12:03 PM

    What fair? Am I missing something... because I haven't been to the fair in like mmmmm.... 35 years (my lifetime) Now Disneyland is a whole different thing... rich people indulging their kids... mmmm... I guess that is me.

  26. Anonymous2:27 PM

    What're you tawkin about girl? Aint nothin wrong with the fare! That's ware I met my husbin. I kin remember it like it was yisterday. He was jest standin' over ther by the beef jerkee stand, smilin' at me with that beeutiful smile. 'Corse he had all 12 teeth then....

  27. wow, check you out, you sexy beast. getting dressed and showering, I haven't done that since my first child was born. Well, not before like, noon, anyways.

  28. Ooooo...a fellow tech writer! I hope you like your new job. What do you you do with the kiddos while you're at the office?

  29. Ahhh, Sue its good to read you! I kept thinkng, "what if she gets a phone call at work?" That might push you over the edge!

    I LOVED LOVED LOVED along wiht the rest of the world your birthday party post- soooo clever!

    You really are an amazing person, writer, mom, friend!
    Thank for your support through everything.

    LOVE YA!

  30. Julie, I think we're going to have to get a part-time nanny. (GASP! I know.) DH has been home in the past but now he has an actual job, so... That won't work. I only have to be in the office 2 hours a day - usually I work at night after the kids are sleeping. It'll take a while to figure it all out.

    Nicki, that made me laugh and laugh, tee hee

    Chanel - {{hugs}}

  31. Where I live, I feel like that very regularly. It drives me crazy actually. All these young hippy types that dress like crap even if they're going to the symphony! arg. Half the time just wearing boots and a sweater, you feel dressed up, and heaven forbid, some jewelry, and you're "overdressed."

  32. I'm always too late to give you any witty comments, since they've all been taken, but *snort* "slim and classy at the fair!" Oh man, you just made my Christmas morning!
