Monday, March 15, 2010

Did They Like It? Wild West Veteran's Memorial Park, West Jordan, Utah

(Look, I even centered the text.)
(I KNOW. It's like I don't even know who I am anymore.)

On Saturday, after three soccer games in two hours...
...we decided to bag the housework...

...and head over to Ye Olden Medieval Times Parke...
Otherwise known as the Pleasant Grove Discovery Park

...where we overbundled our protesting baby...

...slid down a few poles...
Pleasant Grove Discovery Park

...and made beautiful music together.
Pleasant Grove Discovery Park

Not yet ready to call it a day, because LOOK:

...we headed over to Highland Glen park, where we did NOT fish (this time)...
Highland Glen park

...but threw rocks in the river...
Highland Glen park

...and danced down a trail...
Highland Glen park

On Sunday we drove down to the Spanish Fork River Park...
Spanish Fork River Park

...but the park gates were still locked, and we couldn't get in.


We ended up at the Canyon View park in Provo Canyon, where we stopped for a picnic...
Provo Canyon View park

...and then went for a walk...
Provo Canyon View park

...and climbed up and down a mountain...
Provo Canyon View park

(at a Sunday approved pace, of course)
Provo Canyon View park

...and, as ever, posed for pictures.
Provo Canyon View park

It was a busy weekend, and by the time we got home we were tired
and I will admit to doing a little of this:

and a little of this:

It was a perfect antidote
for our buckets 'o stress

and now, knee-deep in lots of things I would prefer not to be knee-deep in
if I had the choice
(which, it appears, I do NOT)

I keep wishing it was Saturday all over again.

How was your weekend?

PS: The winner of the ring giveaway was Andrea. Congrats! Thanks to Codi and her husband for the fun ring giveaway.



  1. 99 acres? There's that much free space in Utah? Goodness.

  2. Well, for once it seems that the powers that be, got it RIGHT! Wonderful looking playground for kids! Too bad they are not all like this!!

  3. I am a little curious about what they're doing with most of that 99 acres. I have an acre myself, and it would make a nice neighborhood park. But 99 acres would make a nice, small working farm. We do still have a good amount of free space in Utah - like 99 percent of the state, but most of that is desert - like you couldn't dig a well there. In the green belt, we still have a lot of acreage, also - most of which I'd fight to death to keep agricultural land. You can't eat Kentucky Blue Grass or asphalt. They just built a nursing home down the street and I'm mad about it because even at a single story, the thing blocks a view of the mountains that I pretty much thought was mine forever, thank you very much. Anyway. That's my answer to the above question. I'd love to see that park.

  4. That's a great idea! (about posting about fun things to do. about.)

    I will have to post a photo of the space between our ottoman and the living room window. Our daughter swears by it.

  5. Anonymous6:47 PM

    It does look much like the Cedar Hills Discovery Park, which is also very nice and which, when we were last there (a year ago?) had a multiplicity of huge black beetles. TONS. For my bug-loving daughter that just made the park all the better.

    As I've thought about it, I'm nearly certain the locked bathrooms are because they have to shut the water off in winter so the pipes don't freeze, since the little buildings that house the facilities are plumbed but not heated. It does make early Spring park trips awkward, though.

  6. Wow! I've never heard of this park. We will definitely have to try it out! Looks like so much fun!

  7. We LOVED that park when we lived in West Jordan. Its amazing. The only downside is that its so huge that it's really easy to lose your kids in the park. (Maybe that's not such a downside...) Fun to take a whole group of moms and kids so you have more than one set of eyes.

  8. It's even better in the summer and fall because the farmer's market is open. We would go get some peaches and raspberries and then play. Too fun.

  9. Oh man, that brings back memories. I used to live right in that area!!!! only 8 months ago. That park has certainly "evolved" over the 25 years we lived there.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thanks for the tip. I had no idea it was there my boys will LOVE IT.

  12. The Discovery Park in Pleasant Grove is pretty awesome, too. Or it was. They kinda let it go so we haven't been back in a while. Around the kids' area they placed a fence where each plank has the name of contributors to the park funds. It was eerie seeing my name on that fence, knowing full well that I didn't make any sort of donation. Did someone think I died and made it in my honor? Did I have a split personality? Or maybe an evil twin?

  13. We frequent that park, the kids LOVE it! If you ever go there again, let me know and I'll meet you there.

  14. Hubby and I were in that park yesterday doing a bit of letterboxing, and wondered about those curbs, too. I theorized that maybe those are to stop enterprising truck owners from trying to drive up on the grass to watch the baseball games while having tailgate parties.

  15. Oh yeah! I totally forgot about this park. I live in Utah County so I'm not up that way all that often, but it is a fantastic park and proably worth the trip now and then. Thanks for the reminder!

    (And personally, I think it's far superior to Discovery Park)

  16. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Approvingly your article helped me terribly much in my college assignment. Hats off to you send, will look forward in the direction of more related articles promptly as its sole of my choice topic to read.

  17. Up North, here in Ogden, we have a fun & free park with a "splash pad". Basically huge sprinklers & dump buckets, no pools...the kids can cool off and moms can actually enjoy a book, unlike taking them to the pool where you have to watch them every second. Love this place and can't wait for summer!

  18. That park sounds AWESOME!! I'm going to have go give it a whirl!

  19. I am pretty sure you post pictures of that round baby to taunt me... I am almost sure of it.

  20. Is that new? I used to live right by there and I don't remember seeing this. It's darling!

    My favorite thing is the Olympic Fountain and the Planetarium. I'm looking forward to taking the grandkids there when they come to visit this summer. Maybe we'll check out this playground too.

  21. I'm excited to go try these new parks. Although I do love the little quite one up the road from my house. I dont think very many people know about it so my kids usually get it all to themselves.

    Hey I saw you at the bloggy lunch and wanted to say hi but when I tried I didnt want to interrupt you. SO I just wanted to say hi and it was good seeing you on Saturday. :)

  22. Was there another bloggy thing this past Saturday? I didn't see any announcements for it.

  23. Hi Adhis - it was Kristina's Snuggies for Seniors lunch... I linked to it a few times...

  24. AGH! This baby has eaten my reading comprehension!!

    Next time, make the link big and sparkly. With arrows. And shoots a post-it note out of the CD drive on my computer.

  25. We love WJ is definitely are favorite. It helps that we live ridiculously close. =)

  26. Sue! I know I'm late with my comment but I am a regular reader of your blog (one of those MMB gals). Anyway, I cannot TELL you how much I loved finding your post when I google searched the playground. All the comments have made me smile!

    You see, that playground started as an idea in my head and ultimately resulted in nearly 6,000 people giving time to build it Extreme-Home-Makeover style in just 10 days. You cannot begin to imagine how much work it was to pull off a project on that scale FOR FREE. Leading this project consumed 2 years of my life. And so, when I read comments from those who've been there and enjoyed it with their families (as all us volunteers intended), it makes all the time spent feel WORTH it. Thank you!
