Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In Which I Pretend To Be One Of Those Good At Picture Posts Bloggers

(Look, I even centered the text.)
(I KNOW. It's like I don't even know who I am anymore.)

On Saturday, after three soccer games in two hours...
...we decided to bag the housework...

...and head over to Ye Olden Medieval Times Parke...
Otherwise known as the Pleasant Grove Discovery Park

...where we overbundled our protesting baby...

...slid down a few poles...
Pleasant Grove Discovery Park

...and made beautiful music together.
Pleasant Grove Discovery Park

Not yet ready to call it a day, because LOOK:

...we headed over to Highland Glen park, where we did NOT fish (this time)...
Highland Glen park

...but threw rocks in the river...
Highland Glen park

...and danced down a trail...
Highland Glen park

On Sunday we drove down to the Spanish Fork River Park...
Spanish Fork River Park

...but the park gates were still locked, and we couldn't get in.


We ended up at the Canyon View park in Provo Canyon, where we stopped for a picnic...
Provo Canyon View park

...and then went for a walk...
Provo Canyon View park

...and climbed up and down a mountain...
Provo Canyon View park

(at a Sunday approved pace, of course)
Provo Canyon View park

...and, as ever, posed for pictures.
Provo Canyon View park

It was a busy weekend, and by the time we got home we were tired
and I will admit to doing a little of this:

and a little of this:

It was a perfect antidote
for our buckets 'o stress

and now, knee-deep in lots of things I would prefer not to be knee-deep in
if I had the choice
(which, it appears, I do NOT)

I keep wishing it was Saturday all over again.

How was your weekend?

PS: The winner of the ring giveaway was Andrea. Congrats! Thanks to Codi and her husband for the fun ring giveaway.



  1. That is a dang cute baby!!!

  2. My weekend wasn't THAT awesome. I think I will be needing to incorporate park jumping into our weekend routine ;D

  3. Looks like a fun time! Yay for nice(ish) weather! And good use of the pictures . . . :)

  4. That looks like a fabulous weekend! I am slightly jealous!

    Okay. You got me. I'm REALLY jealous. :-)

  5. What a lovely weekend for you all - love it!

    My weekend involved cleaning house and taking care of kiddos while hubby worked because he took time off during the week for Emma's surgery, and on Sunday doing, literally, six callings worth of work because so many people were away this week (I usually ONLY do three callings). This weekend though is family vacation time - woot! And I get to see Dedee - double woot!

  6. I love it that Dad has crashed, but the two boys are still hanging in there.

  7. I love weekends like that! I was starting to get a little worried about the Sunday activities, but then you mentioned it was a leisurely pace rather than a recreational pace and I felt much better. Whew! :)

  8. Sounds like a good time was had by all! I agree with Homer and Queeen, that is one adorable baby!

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    You should get out of the house with your family more often, that's for sure. You deserve stress-relief experiences like this, and your kids will remember them forever!

  10. You have the most beautiful family, Sue. And that is the cutest baby! Love the big smiles :-)

    I agree: you need to de-stress more often! You definitely deserve it.

  11. Maybe you THINK you didn't go fishing, but somewhere downstream in that river, lie a couple of dead fish with huge goose eggs on their noggins.

  12. Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Take advantage of the nice weather while it lasts.

    On a side note I love your kitchen table. Where did you get it?

  13. Sounds like a marvelous weekend! I LOVE the sun!!!

  14. What a fun, fun weekend. Discovery Park looks way awesome. And I LIVE in Spanish Fork and don't know where the River park is. *Loser.*

  15. I'm have a picture blogging worthy week in Teas and I've taken, like, 300 photos since Sunday and now I have to figure out which ones to post. I'm sure it will be the ones that make everyone else look great, you betcha.

    That baby...just stop it already, will you?

  16. Nice photo essay - YOU GO, GIRL. YAY family time!! YAY beautiful children!!! WHOA - BEAUTIFUL BABY. Loved the whole dang deal!

  17. That park is one of the best parks! And your baby is adorable.

  18. See, every time I go and think that New Orleans is the world's coolest place to live, you go and post pictures of nature and mountains and all your kids have rosy cheeks....and it makes me sorta wanna move to someplace, well, normal.

    Great pics, a great post, and it looks like a great weekend!!

  19. Diana H.9:02 PM

    Gosh, that post makes me want to live in Utah. It seems every weekend we are having gale force winds here. And you do have the cutest babies, All of them!

  20. Your weekend? Seriously fabulous! I love all of the pics.

    And I'm in love with your home--GORGEOUS!!

  21. Looks like you all had a good time! Great pictures!

  22. Holy Crap you covered the entire Utah County! :)
    I've yet to get to the PG park. I've heard it referred to as the "wood park". I like your nickname better.
    P.S. dang cute kids!

  23. What a sweet weekend! Great pics - cute kids - lovely house that doesn't make me feel inadequate. :) Keep making time to relax with your adorable kids - it reminds us all to move that up a notch or two on the priority list.

  24. I don't have to tell you how cute your kids are, but they are.

    And I've been making a horrible mistake on my picture posts!!! I haven't been centering the wording! I've failed.

  25. Kudos to you for making the time for such a restful weekend!!!

  26. (That's the first time I've ever used the word "kudos.")

  27. Anonymous12:43 PM

    And now we have snow! That's great you had such a great weekend. It really was beautiful weather. (I was about to say that the centered text and lots of photos makes me feel like I'm reading NieNie, but I guess there are lots of people who use that format.)

  28. loved your post - going to have have to check out some of those parks when my grandkids come this summer- summer is coming, right? right??!!??

  29. So that's what that park/pond is called! I had no idea. We have been there tons of times but my kids just call it The Duck Pond. Looks like you guys had a blast!

  30. The Highland Glen Park is my favorite park in the whole world. Not that I've been to every park in the whole world, but if I had, I bet it would still be my favorite.

  31. I am ever so glad to read you hiked the mountain at a "sunday approved pace"

    sounds like a great weekend

  32. Congrats to Andrea for winning the carbon fiber ring!!

  33. I got lost in Utah County once and ended up at that park. I let my kids play there for hours while I read a book.

    Your weekend sounds especially divine as I look out my window at the SNOW.

