Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This may only be of interest to approximately twelve of you, but - ARG, I cannot help it, I must post this.

Here's a plot summary for the next Anne of Green Gables movie, directed by Kevin Sullivan, the hack who also gave us the atrocity that was the third Anne movie:
"Anne, now a middle-aged woman, is troubled by recent events in her life. Her husband, Gilbert, has been killed overseas as a medical doctor during World War II. Her two daughters are pre-occupied with their own young families and her adopted son Dominic has yet to return from the war. When a long-hidden secret is discovered under the floorboards at Green Gables, Anne retreats into her memories to relive her troubled early years prior to arriving as an orphan at Green Gables and being adopted by the Cuthberts. Still haunted by her early childhood, the impact of this difficult period has a far-reaching effect on this older woman, once she discovers the truth about her real parents. She begins a delicate search for her birth father."
She begins a search for her birth father? Gilbert is dead? She's haunted by her childhood? WHAT IN THE -

I am speechless.


  1. Where do I sign up to join the lynch mob? How dare they?!

  2. I would consider myself a die hard L.M. Montgomery fan. Read and own every book. And yet I was not aware that Anne of Green Gables had moved on to imaginary movies. Movies about imaginary events and people not created by the author. And I can't imagine anything more horrifying than a middle-aged Anne with no Gilbert, who is troubled and huanted by her past! I think I might have to miss this movie.

  3. Sorry, I only saw "Gilbert died" and then I had a minor breakdown and couldn't keep reading. A part of me died with him.

  4. I'm sure SOMEONE is turning in her grave.

    Sad. So sad.

  5. A message to the movie maker: WHAT???!!! Fine, you want it? Just don't call it Anne of Green Gables!! (Call it Zelda of Blue Shutters, or something, since you're making up everything else...)

  6. Anonymous3:06 PM

    What?! That last movie of her taking off to Europe to find him was bad enough. This sounds even worse.

    Why are they going so off track instead of using the books that were written about the rest of Anne's life?

  7. The name of your post said it all. I'll be foaming at the mouth now . . .

  8. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I don't really understand using the name of the book when nothing else resembles the books. That's terrible!

  9. I've adapted a lot of books into movies, in my head, & it's not that hard to do. Why won't they just follow the script - it's already written for them. Gee whiz! He's not the only one to mess it up either, I'm sure we could come up with them for hours.

  10. I think this is called blasphemy.

  11. What a mess!
    Could it perhaps be based on that new book about Anne's life before Green Gables? It came out earlier this year.
    I remember how lame the third movie was and this one just seems worse!
    I was just taking a break from writing a review on a bio about L.M. Montgomery when I came across your post.

  12. I won't see it. That last movie where they were all traipsing through Europe was nasty enough. I kept screaming "WWI affects RILLA! Anne's a mother 6 times over by this point!" (7 if you count Joy, which just shows you how well I remember all of this, not having to look up any names at all).

  13. This is a travesty!

    Ugh, I hate it when bad movies happen to good authors.

  14. Ahem. Clearly I can't leave this alone. ALSO, when she is in college, Anne FINDS the house she was born in, and letters between her parents, who have been dead a long time.

    Just don't see it. It will make you happier.

  15. You obviously didn't catch the part where she would begin a delicate search for her father. See? Totally OK now.

  16. WHAT?! Gilbert can not be dead?! Where are they getting this stuff from? CRAZY!

  17. You missed the part where Anne is played by a buxom blonde.

  18. Did you see the article recently about LMMontgomery's depression?

    Not to make light of mental illness, but LMM probably saw the future and was so ill she just couldn't take it any more.

    That third movie was a complete travesty, but . . .

    I love the part in Rainbow Valley where Anne and Gilbert have a stretch of rough times -- Anne's feeling like maybe being a sahm isn't so great, and Gilbert's distant and moody and they go to some event where they run in to (blonde/buxom) Christine.

    Then they go home to Ingleside and Anne looks in on her sleeping children, and Gilbert finds out he saved some kid's life or something, and they talk and it's all better.

    I think there's enough drama in "real" life without resorting to silly movie-of-the-week birth father $&%$!

  19. Sue when will the madness stop? When I ask you. I was in Barnes and Noble on Friday and I passed a book that was titled somthing to the effect of "Mr. Darcy's Decision". Naturally I started vomitting all over Barnes and Noble. Why? How? What gives you the right? Mr. Darcy is the child of Jane Austen. He has always been her's. How can another person continue his story? Didn't anybody watch the made for TV movie "Scarlett" (a continuation of Gone With The Wind)? I did. I watched it and vomitted all over the living room floor. When the actress trying to follow Catherine O'Hara stood up in a British court and screamed, "HE RAPED ME", I thought - No, we the viewers are the ones being violated. In short, I am with you on the third Anne of Green Gables atrocity. In conclusion, my advice to anyone else who has thought of committing a crime against humanity (or at least literature and classic film), is to take a minor character from the book and tell things from their perspective instead. Think "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead". And leave our beloved Heros and Heriones alone. Thank you. (please excuse my crimes against spelling - should there be any in this comment)

  20. The hilarious part of this post is the complete sentences you put in the "labels" at the bottom! ROFLMAO!

  21. If Gilbert is dead, there's no reason to live anymore. Why make a movie about that?

  22. Ahhh! Nooooooooooo! What?! Have they lost their &@##?*-(&*^%$#$ minds? I didn't even see the last one, because of the time/space continuum thing. BUT TO KILL GILBERT?!?! That is nigh unto killing a real person in my book. Have they never read Montgomery's ghost stories? They are SO on the to haunt list!

  23. I just can't even say anything. I am literally speechless.

  24. I have always LOVED Anne of Green Gables. Read all the books, saw the CBS movies. The last one (that I knew of) end with her finally confessing to Gilbert of her love for him.
    I didn't know there was another movie.
    I'm intrigued, but frustrated that Gilbert dies.

  25. Horrible! I can't imagine it, and definitely won't be watching. What's even worse is that NONE of the previous characters/actors are in the new movie! LM must be turning in her grave.

  26. and by Catherine O'hara I meant Vivien Leigh . Repeating my mantra from this morning "stop leaving comments on blogs, stop leaving comments on blogs".

  27. Oh good grief. Sounds like he's just trying to make a buck. He should concentrate on making a good movie instead.

    What he's suggesting is sacrilege!

  28. As my husband likes to say about George Lucas' new versions of the original three Star Wars, "George Lucas violated my childhood."

    Except now I need to say that Kevin Sullivan is violating my childhood. Although I will now from this point on pretend that this movie doesn't exist, since really doesn't - Anne lived to a nice old age, and she was already middle aged by World War One anyway (I also deny the third movie).

  29. Seriously? I mean, it is one thing if movie makers make movies about sequels that don't exist, but I think if an author has actually WRITTEN 6 or 7 books it means she had a pretty idea of where she wanted to go with characters. And if you want to make a sequel, then that's where you gotta go. At least sorta.

    I'm going to put in my Will that Hollywood cannot disembowel my novels (the ones I haven't written yet).

  30. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Awful, awful. Definitely won't be watching this one.

  31. I am a total hard core Anne of Green Gables fan, but seriously??!! How in the world could that possibly be a good movie??? Holy Hannah!

  32. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Horrible, horrible, horrible. I remember innocently starting to watch the 3rd film and thinking "What IS this dreck? SAD to hear they are going to use that awful director (and apparently the same awful writers) again.

    But I thought you *liked* soaps?

  33. Let's form a mob with torches and pitchforks and go after this guy... at least scare him a little.

  34. Wait! Better yet, let's go to the set with protest signs and chain ourselves to something. We could all wear puffed sleeves and a bun.

  35. LOL... Zelda of Blue shutters... hee hee. (Sorry)

  36. Anonymous4:45 AM

    This makes me so mad I just get all foamy at the mouth and incoherent. Wha...wha..wha? I stutter.
    There are so many talented screenwriters in the world. Talk to them, people. Hire them. Try doing something original, rather than ruining perfectly good, innocent books!
    Grrr. I'll join the lynch mob. Don't mess with my fav books.
    (...shutting up now, so that I don't go on to my views on Disney (Hunchback of Notre Dame? Wha..wha..wha) and Narnia (Susan in love with Caspian? Wha...) etc)

  37. Crime. This is a crime.

    And see? WAY more than 12 of us care about this.

  38. I think Lucy Maud just rolled over in her grave.

  39. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

    Also, this is wrong.

    I'm kicking Kevin Sullivan out of Canada for this. How dare he?

  40. La la la la--I can't hear you! I will pretend this movie never happened, since it obviously never SHOULD have happened.

  41. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Does this have anything to do with the Budge Wilson "Before Green Gables" book? It just came out, and it's the story of Anne's life with the Hammonds and in the orpanage. I haven't read it, because I don't want to upset myself.

    Kevin Sullivan is a moron. The last Anne movie was bad enough, but this? Ugh, what's next? Grandma Anne crawls through the jungles of 'Nam looking for her lost granchildren?

  42. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Heaven help us. What was wrong with the books?!

  43. I had no clue they were even working on another movie. I remember not being overly thrilled with the other one they did. sigh... It's been forever and a day (and then some) since I read the books, but I'm guessing none of that stuff follows the plot-line of the books?

  44. Nooo.... Gilbert... Come back to us! How horrible to kill Gilbert off.. He should go to war and come back with an injury or something for Anne to take care of him... I think I will boycott....

  45. My biggest pet peeve is when they make movies from books that actually in no way, shape, or form resemble the books! What WAS wrong with the the material already out there - the series we all know and love? Too crazy, is all I can say!

  46. Wait, wait, wait...Gilbert died??


    I love Gilbert. He's not dead, and Kevin Sullivan can't make me believe he is. So there.

  47. PERFECT title for this post. PERFECT. I hated the third movie. I had such high hopes for this one. (I loved the books, though the last from my perspective weren't QUITE as wonderful as the first.) But I've seen other Sullivan stuff I liked, so I hoped. HOW I hoped! Your title says it all... and I'm heartbroken (as the person who directed me to come here said I would be.)

  48. Anonymous5:08 PM

    death to dumb directors! Plus...wouldn't Gilbert be too old to go to war by WWII anyway? Gah!!! Tis Sacrilege! (SP?)

  49. Much to my mother's dismay, I never did finish reading that series...


    I'm going to form a lynch posse. Anyone on board.

  51. I hate you, Sullivan.

  52. No seriously.

    Rainbow Valley is a complex, beautiful book and you SCREWING AROUND with it means you will burn in Hell.

  53. And that's all I have to say about that.

  54. Don't even get me started on that loser number three movie. It was enough to start a riot ALL by itself.

    This is too much. Obviously males DO NOT understand the essence of Anne. If he wants to make a dumb movie, fine - but can't he PLEASE leave Anne with an "e" out of it????

  55. When I read this I looked to see if the Savior was coming, because it must be the end of the world. Thank you for alerting me to one more thing to worry about. And if a lynch mob is formed, count me in.

  56. Isn't there a petition we can sign to stop this latent evil from spreading? Maybe we could take up a pool to hire an assassin for Sullivan or all write threatening letters.

  57. I want to be in the posse too.

  58. Speechless? I'm horrified!

    Blasphemy!!!! Don't mess with that book, that movie, that character.

    Like Anne has a dark side?! Aaaargh!

    I am so ticked right now. Who is this Sullivan creep anyhow?

  59. I still regret purchasing the 3rd movie.

    This 4th is a serious abomination. It took FOREVER for Anne and Gil to get together, and now he's just going to die in some random movie?


  60. How in the heck did I miss this post when it was originally posted? That trailer is retarded, when did we start just making stuff up for movies. and how random to see this post, I just started rereading the third book this week. I've have been dreaming about Prince Edwards Island every night.

  61. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I'm sorry what now? come again? ok, here's what we're going to do. I'll grab the karosene (it's better for the environment if we're going to burning stuff)You grab the matches and we're going to have a 'sit in' at good ol kevy-poo's house until he stops this shinanigans! I've read all the books and I'm pretty sure that none o' that happens... If Kevin Sullivan doesn't give in, thats when things might get nasty. We might need Rev. Al Sharpton on our side cause this is a SERIOUS injustice!

  62. GGGRRRR I read that blurb the other day and saw RED! Way to stray from the actual story line. If this is what making a movie about a book is about, then I say anyone can do it, just take a title of a book you like, and then MAKE EVERYTHING UP! Don't bother reading the book.

  63. WHAT??!!?!?! I shocked and astounded. I will, one day, own the first two Anne's but I have decided to never buy the third because even when Anne and Gilbert get together, they never get together. Did this guy understand that this is a love story after all? Gilbert dies? Please. I'm so boycotting and encouraging every one else to do the same.

  64. Oh NO!!! That sounds terrible. I absolutely love the whole Anne of Green Gables saga (just check out my blog name) and I think this is a horrible besmirching on its name. Clearly this great mind of the world hasn't read the follow up books to the first two. Nimrod. I'm horrified.
