Friday, June 20, 2008

So As It Turns Out

The house we love and miss?
(This is the playroom.)

In the neighborhood we love and miss?
(How beautiful are the mountains? SO BEAUTIFUL.)

With the friends we love and miss?
(This was from the girl's night out one of my dear friends organized right before we moved.)

And all of the neighborhood kids we love and miss?
(These are a few of the neighbor kids with mine. Seriously, we LOVE these kids.)

We get to keep it. WE GET TO KEEP IT!

WE GET TO KEEP OUR HOUSE. Everything is signed, sealed and delivered. It's ours.

I wish I could say something terribly profound and eloquent about it, but I can't quite form my happiness and gratitude into words yet. Still, I wanted to share the news with friends, family and all those of you who have held your breath right along with us. Your support and friendship and love and thoughts and prayers have meant the world to us.

I'm so happy. We're so happy. The kids are over the moon right now. If I may be really dorky and childish and, well, myself for a second, I think the super sophisticated thing I really want to say right now is simply: YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAAAAAAAAY!


(We'll be moving back early next month. Can you believe it? Can you? Because I can't believe it. Holy cow. I've never been so happy to start packing in my life.)

(If you aren't sure what this is all about because you're new to the blog, click on the label "House Drama" (below the comment link) and you can read all about it from the beginning.)


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM


    I am SO happy for you! This is just so wonderful. Congrats!!!!!!

  2. How wonderful! Prayers can be answered!
    (That is one cute playroom.)

  3. i don't even know you and i got chills reading this! so happy for you!!

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    THAT is wonderful!!


  5. I'm finally delurking to say Yay! that's great!


    On another note: what about your husband's job? I know that he was working for a friend/relative, but what are you/he going to do when you get back to UT?

  7. A relatively new reader here to say: YAY for you! I said a prayer for you--along with many others, I'm sure--and I just felt that you were going to get the house back. So YAY!

  8. Yay, yay, yay!!!! Probably the only situation in which packing is a happy, glorious event. Congrats!

  9. YIPPIE!!!! I'm really so happy for you!

  10. Well, it is about damn time. I was starting to think that God was ignoring me.

    Good for you, good for your family. I'm thrilled for all of you.

  11. Yay for you! How exciting!

    Happy Dance! Woo hoo!

  12. Anonymous3:31 PM


  13. Who says you can't go home again?

  14. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Sue - you just made my day!!!

    So happy for you guys.

  15. Yay! I'm so excited for you and your family!

  16. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I'm crying. I am so seriously over the moon happy for you! When can we do lunch?

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!! YIPPY!!!!

  18. I can't even express how happy I am for you and your family. Wait, yes I can...


  19. Can we call this now what it really was? A forced de-junking?

  20. I am thrilled for you! Just thrilled!

    Sounds like a true miracle!

  21. OH YAY!! How exciting for you BUT SUE!!!! --when are we going to have lunch????? I haven't seen you in forEVER so we have to get together before you move back. *please*

  22. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I've read your blog for awhile now, and never posted a comment, (even when you begged), but I am so happy for you, and I just wanted to say YAY!

  23. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Is it weird that I just felt tears come to my eyes? We're not friends and I'm just a lurker here, but I've followed your story with interest because I went through something similar (although, I was happy to be leaving when it was time to go...long story). Just wanted to say congratulations and that I'm truly happy for you!

  24. welcome home!! hallelujah!

  25. I am sooo happy for you guys!!! Even though I have loved knowing you were close by, I know this is something your family really wanted. Yay, yay, Yay! But wait, next month? So soon? Let us know what we can do to help. You need to let me have your kids over while you are getting ready to move again.

  26. Yee HAW! And on a selfish note, perhaps I'll get to meet you in person after all!

  27. Anonymous5:26 PM

    congrats, totally awesome

  28. I totally gasped out loud!!!




  29. that is so great!! hooray hooray! plus i don't know if you've posted your location or not but i feel like i know where you live (creepy, sorry) but i recognize the area...

    and what could be better? it's such a great place. yay! glad you're back home.

  30. Sue,

    I feel relieved right now! Welcome home!!

    We will get together and celebrate your triumphant return.

  31. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Yay! So happy for you and your family, Sue! I've been one of the readers holding my breath for y'all 'cause it seems you all really loved your home and neighborhood, etc. So, go celebrate!! :D

  32. OH MY GAWD!!!!!! Sue!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I read the last post you'd written this morning, and I didn't know what to say, so I didn't comment - because all I wanted to ask was WHAT ABOUT THE HOUSE!!

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you. You TOTALLY deserve this. YAY!!!!!


  33. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Woohoo! I think lots of YAYing is a most appropriate response. After all, there is no place like home. :) Happy for you and your family, Sue.

  34. OMG! So, hi, you don't know me...I've been lurking here for the past several months, reading about the house drama and empathizing with you....but I just have to tell you how excited and happy I am for you!!! I have chills, tears, want-to-jump-up-and-down-itis, and oh, everything! I can only imagine how happy your family must be! YIPPEEEEEE!

  35. CONGRATS!!! I've been checking every day in hopes of finding this house!! I'm SOOOO happy for you!!!

  36. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I'm so genuinely happy for you.

  37. I'm super thrilled for you... but I have to ask if you're going to use the same "System" for packing to move back that you did to move away?

  38. Oh my gosh, that's incredible! I'm so glad you get to go back to that beautiful neighborhood and your wonderful friends.

  39. Anonymous9:33 PM

    That's the best news. I'm so happy for you.

  40. WOW! That is awesome!
    It feels like I didn't even have a chance to really get to know you. Your kids can come play while you pack, just call.
    Happy for you and your family.
    BTW, that playroom is awesome.

  41. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Words can't even describe how happy I am for you! That is the best news ever.

    Not that it is my business, but what about your husbands job? Does he get to work from home?

  42. OK. I am jumping for joy. I am no longer lurking.
    But I have to ask,what about your husband's job? YOU just moved and just started a new job and here you are moving again. I know it is none of my business but I must say that this is where I come 1st thing in the morning with my coffee.

  43. Well I'm glad the prayers about you selling your house quick weren't the ones that took. Good good good for you and yours!

  44. Sue, congratulations - that is so great! Yay!

  45. Holy crap in a hat, congratulations! I'm terribly happy for you! And I'm instantly jealous of your new-old gorgeous house. Gimme.

  46. NO WAY!
    Excellent news.
    Happy packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. AWESOME!!!! Isn't it great when things work out? (We won't talk about the stucco bill my buyer wants me to pay before we close because this is about you.)



    I can go to bed now with happy news. The people in my house have done lost their minds and made me wish I was a drinker. Thank you for happy things to end the day with.

  49. I am so happy for your family! This is awesome. May you have many blessed events in your home.

  50. Another lurker forced out of the woodwork to say CONGRATULATIONS. What a fantastic end to a terribly hard saga.

  51. Sue! I'm crying I'm so happy for you, seriously, tears rolling down my cheeks and hubby looking seriously worried and everything!


  52. Anonymous11:49 PM

    YAYAYAYAY! So happy for you!

  53. That is so incredibly cool! And not only are you so happy to pack, I bet half of it hadn't been unpacked, so it won't be so bad. This chapter in your life must never be erased, it is that amazing.

  54. I am so thrilled for you! That is wonderful news! And do you know what this means??? Do you??? Well, obviously this means we CAN be best friends now! (Of course, in order for it to happen, you'll have to get over your whole social anxiety and phone aversion and swim skirt wearing and such, but I have high hopes that it could all happen someday...)

  55. Congratulations! That's sensational news. Your home (and the rest of it) is beautiful.

  56. Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Thanks for sharing your story with us!

  57. Oh yay! I am so happy for you! This is totally awesome!

  58. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I have been checking in almost every day hoping for this news! I'm about to cry, and I don't even know you! Yay! Congratulations!!!!!

  59. OMG Sue! I'm soooooooooo HAPPY for you guys! Seriously, I have tears in my eyes over it. BIG GIANT HUGS (and how about a high-five thrown in as well??? LOL)

  60. I have been checking your blog every day (sometimes multiple times) in hopes of hearing this!! YAY!!! I'm so happy for you! What a relief!

  61. That is so amazing! Who knew that the economy tanking would be good news for some folks??? I am so happy for you! And us.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I don't get too emotional about blog postings, but you've got me crying tears of joy for you. This is some of the best news that I've heard in a long time. Hugs, kisses and shouts of joy going your way.

  64. That is SOOOO AWESOME!

    So basically, this was just a long, hot vacation in Vegas, lol?

    That is just so cool. I'm so excited for y'all!

  65. I have just gotten up to speed. Read all the previous house posts and all I've got to say is: wow!

    Oh and I'm so happy for you.

    And congratulations!

    And what a great daughter!

    (Never believe me when I imply I only have one thing to say.)

  66. -sharp intake of breath - YOU GET TO KEEP IT?!? Sue, I am SO happy for you!! And I'm glad to know this fledgling market is helping someone!!! Hip hip hooray! The bank has saved the day!!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Sue!!! Congratulations!! That is the best news ever :)

    Now I must know, is the daughter that had Jesus speak to her and tell her you could move back the same daughter that can wake you up with her mind? That is one amazing daughter!

  69. Excellent! Congratulations! How interesting it would be to move back into a house you just moved out of. One very good chance to rearrange the furniture or something...

  70. I'm SO excited for you!!

  71. :::delurk:::



  72. Congrats!! I am SOOO happy for you! I bet your kids are super excited. So does this mean you'll leave the dumb dog behind?? :)

  73. HOORAY! I am giddy for you.


    I guess you won't be interested in Denver anymore? Thats cool I got my picture with you, I have proof you love me best.

    and better yet, i have somewhere to stay now that you'll be back in UT!

  75. Anonymous6:21 PM

    That is the best news I've had in a long time!! I'm thrilled for you and your family. Read Mosiah 2:41

  76. I've been waiting for this post! Congratulations - I am so happy for you!!!!!!

  77. THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! God answers prayers... remember that childlike faith. She was right on target!!!

  78. Yay! I've been checking back hoping to read just that news!

  79. Yay on the house! We lost our house in a bankruptcy a few years ago and I would have loved to have been able to get it back. No such luck, sadly.

    Also, I need your help! I'm trying to start what could be a rather large project. Come check out my blog to read about my very exciting idea for a bloggers video. And don't forget to drag your friends and readers into it, too. Kicking and screaming if you have to. This will only turn out great if lots of people get involved! You know you wanna do it!

  80. Totally awesome! I'm glad you get to move back home. Your home. This is great news!

  81. Holy Cow! Hallelujah! Praise Allah! Wipe the sweat & pass the egg nog! You're going home Sistah!

    Congrats to you!! We should have a party... at your house! :>)

  82. That is WONDERFUL!!!


  83. I am so happy for you. I think "Yay" is perfect.

  84. I am not sure how I ended up at your blog, but I have now read the whole story, I am really happy for you, your home is beautiful!

    I have bookmarked your blog very interesting and I can't wait to read more!



    (deep breath)


    I'm so happy for you!

  86. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so so happy for you guys! I know how much you wanted to stay! Congrats!

  87. I'm so happy for you and your family, and close to tears as I read through this post and the others about your house and financial situation.

    My husband and I are in the process of filing for bankruptcy - luckily we don't own much, so there isn't that much for them to take from us except our pride. I had my first experience the other night with someone being pretty mean to me (as if I needed them to point out to me that society is going to pay for my mistakes... what??). I can't tell you how much it helps to read your blog and others and know that I'm not alone, that we ARE just human, and stuff happens.

    So, congratulations on your wonderful news, and thank you for sharing it with all of us.

  88. I'm just so thrilled for You!!! Quite inspirational, your daughter and her letter to Jesus... and you for being inspired to check one more time...


  89. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Woo! Congratulations!!!

  90. I'm so happy for you! YEEHAW!! How does it work with the job thing or did you explain that and my migraine ate that information?

  91. Huzzah!!!!!!!!

    I can't use enough exclamation points to show how happy I am for you (and for us back here in Utah)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  92. Oh! How wonderful! I'm so happy for you. :-)

  93. I've never commented before, but I came to work this morning and thought, "I wonder what's up with Sue's house?" and read this! Congrats! I'm very very happy for all of you!

  94. That is so exciting!!! Very happy for you and your family.

  95. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Woo! I was so sad when you, my imaginary best friend in a non-creepy way, moved away. Hooray for miracles!
    Welcome back!

  96. this is the most wonderful news, like EVER!!!


  97. GAH! I read this over the weekend, and I've been rejoicing for you ever since! HAPPY DAY! HAPPY DAY! OH HAPPY DAY!

  98. Yay for the house!!! Yay for an answer to prayer!!1 Yay for that BEAUTIFUL playroom. I've now got serious playroom envy:)

  99. I'm a little late commenting but I wanted to give you a big XOXO and congrats!! :) YAY!

  100. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I'm so glad you are coming back. WOOOOHOOOOOO!

  101. THAT IS SO GREAT!!! Good luck with the re-packing. Ah, I'm so excited for you!

  102. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I am very happy for you. And what a testimony building experience for your daughter.

  103. hooray! i've never been happier for a complete stranger....

  104. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Sue I am so happy for you! I got the biggest goosebumps when I read this post! YAY! You totally deserve it!

  105. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'm so happy for you. I have been reading your blog for sometime now and keeping up with your house situation. This is indeed wonderful news.
    By the way, I love your blog. It keeps me in stitches for hours after I read it. You are a great humor writer...well you're a great writer of serious stuff too.
    Anyway, congratulations and yoooohooooo!!! You get to go home!!!

  106. Oh thank goodness, I am so happy for you! I was hoping and praying it would turn out this way, I'm so glad that it has. Oh I'm just so happy for you! :) (ps, that playroom looks AMAZING)

  107. I got busy and didn't get back here until now to see if you got to keep your house...but when I saw your "bye to las vegas" posting, I came looking for this. I'm not sure why since we're not all that close (I mostly lurk here) but I am so happy! Not just for me but for the universe, that good things happen to good people, finally. Love love love this.

  108. uh, I meant, not just for you :)

  109. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Wow, that is great.
    I think I was you, I'd be as happy as you seem right now.

    And I couldn't help noticing but the scene behind your house is WOW. It's like you live in a movie set! Very beautiful. I'm very happy for you.
