Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Custard, GOOOOOOD.

Me: "Hey hon, are you gonna be here soon? 'Cuz I made dinner."

Husband: "Cool, what are we having?"

Me: "I made something new. It's called Hamburger Roll-Ups."

Husband: "Hamburger Roll-ups."

Me: "Yeah - my mom used to make them."

(long silence)

Me: "They're GOOD, I promise."

Husband: "What are they exactly?"

Me: "Well, you make this meat mixture and you make this dough from bisquick and you roll it up like a jelly roll and you slice it and bake it. And there's sauce."

Husband: "Hmmmm."

Me: "I PROMISE it's good."

Husband: "Why does this sound like an episode of Friends?"

Me: "It's not a beef trifle."

Husband: "You know, if you want, I can take over the cooking again. I can just whip something up really quick every night after I get home."

Me: "I'm perfectly capable of making --"

Husband: "Or I could make it the night before and freeze it. All you'd have to do is warm it up."

Me: "Hamburger Rollups were good enough for me and my brothers and sisters and I think they're probably --"

Husband: "Or, wait, I KNOW, we could starve. Sometimes starving is good. This could be like the first part of the fasting thing you were talking about."

Me: "I'm hanging up now."


  1. Aww...

    Your husband is very silly. But also funny. :)

  2. Maybe "hamburger roll ups" isn't the best name for this little treat. But I'm sure it's very good. No really.

  3. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Thanks for the flashback to my 7th grade home economics class. We called them Beef Pinwheels (fancy!), and enjoyed them while sewing ill-conceived wrap-around skirts. It's no wonder I'm a lame housewife.

  4. Use hotdogs instead of hamburgers, and you've got a winner.

    And tell your husband he's not allowed to rag on your mom's kid cuisine, either.

  5. He really thinks he's funny, doesn't he?

  6. My husband almost always likes what I make- but if it's something new that doesn't sound promising, I won't tell him what we're having. He finds out when it's placed before him, then I avoid the slience on the phone thing.
    My mom used to make tuna roll, similar idea. She made her own biscuit crust and we had a cream of mushroom soup sauce poured over the top. I can NOT get mine to turn out like hers.

  7. hahaha. totally made me recreate that whole episode in my head...

    "tastes like feet!"

    such a funny girl, you are!

  8. My mom used to make that, and I thought it was delicious. I just wouldn't tell him what it is in the future. Say its take out or something then "surprise" him.

    I hope he liked it.

  9. Am I wrong for thinking they actually sound kind of good? Post the recipe! I bet my dear son would like them.

  10. Anonymous8:07 AM

    According to my husband, his mother "invented" a recipe called "Porcupine Meatballs." It involved meatballs rolled in uncooked rice. Rice that did not ever once in the hundreds of times she made it EVER actually fully cook. The four kids had to finally stage a revolt to get the recipe deep-sixed.

    All families have a recipe that is the source of many stories for years and handed down through the generations.

  11. And this conversation is weird why?

    We have the same one at our home every week.

  12. You know SC, my kids HATE hot dogs. They always have. It's the oddest thing.

  13. I'm lucky. My husband is number 2 of 11 children, so my cooking is usually a step up from what he grew up with (except my soups apparently). He hubby never asks what's for dinner, so we don't have this conversation...and he really tries to be careful with his feedback...but occasionally, I'll get a "I wouldn't make this meal for company" and I know what that means!
    However, did I hear your hubby offer to make dinner for you? Unless he's a horrible cook, you might be on to something here!

  14. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Actually, I think they sound delicious. Send some my way, please?

  15. Why didn't you take him up on letting him cook??

  16. He is funny, but hey, if he's offering to make dinner, you should probably take him up on it.
    When we first got married DH would cook sometimes. He went to Asia on his mission, and could make a pretty yummy stir fry. Now, if I ask him to make dinner, it's either eggs and bacon, or PM pizza. I'm not complaining, I am grateful for any time I don't need to cook.
    Do you think that your kids not liking hot dogs might have something to do with that time you broke into the refrigerator and ate the entire package of hot dogs?

  17. i wish my husband would offer to cook!!! all he does is complain about what he doesn't like. it drives me nuts

  18. While I think hamburger roll-ups sound um, sketchy, I think husbands and kids need to just EAT what we MAKE dang it! Sheesh, like they're going to die or something.

  19. I want to see pictures of hamburger roll-ups. they sound interesting!

  20. What did he say when he got home!?

    Apology or I told you so?

  21. They were actually really gross. I must have done something wrong, I haven't figured out quite what it was yet.

    The thing is, my husband has ALWAYS been the cook. He's always had really flexible jobs and he's a better cook, so he just took care of it. When he wasn't home I would just fall back on the very few things I knew how to make well. Now he doesn't get home until 6:30 or 7:00 so I always have to cook and so I've had to get more creative, and, well, it's been an interesting journey, you could say...

  22. It's so hard to cook every single day for the ungrateful hordes, isn't it?
    Although "Hamburger Roll-Ups" do sound kind of awful, I'm sorry to say.

  23. I know everyone else loved hamburger rollups, but I HATED them. STAY AWAY, SUE'S HUSBAND! STAY AWAY!

  24. you are a far better woman than I. at the first mention of doubt about something i had made, i would have thrown in the towel and handed over dinner duty. i think my husband knows this, so he's pretty careful about what he says... darn it!

  25. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Oh, I loved Hamburger Rollups! The best is to use half hamburger meat and half ground sausage! (All sausage is even better, but significantly worse for you! Ha!)

    (Found you through the now-defunct Sister Skinny site. Hi!)

  26. Okay, Sue, I think we need to see the recipe now. Also, if you have a hubby who is willing to cook for you every night, take him up on it and never let him go!

  27. Lol! My husband gets a little...skeptical...when I get creative in the kitchen, too. Especially when it's something I remember from my childhood or includes the health-foody word 'lentils'.

    Guess he got burned a few too many times as a kid at home, with things like "Zucchini surprise" and "Kitchen Sink Soup".

  28. Do they have a layer of peas?

  29. sooo, did he like it or starve?

    I think it sounds delicious!

  30. Hamburger roll-ups are a huge hit around here. We love them. It was funny when I asked Mom for the recipe she was kinda like, put a little of this, a little of that, or whatever you have around. haha She seems to have come up with some good food inventions in her attempt to feed 11 mouths!

  31. I have never had the infamous "hamburger roll ups". I will have to ask Kevin about those. Kevin enjoys cooking more than I do so I wish he could make dinner more often. I have my staple dinners I fix, but I am not one for venturing out and trying new recipes. I get really frustrated at myself when they don't turn out. However, I do like to bake. Which is not a good thing, because everything I like to bake is not healthy.

  32. My husband is a VERY picky eater who would rather eat cereal than a real dinner most of the time. Or just skip eating all together. Makes me sick, and mildly annoyed, sometimes.

    And thanks for the link! That's one of my favorite episodes! The outtakes are HILARIOUS!

  33. I had those as a kid too! I thought it was just us! You are bringing back the memories!

    This also sounds like a similar discussion at my house...

  34. I want the recipe. Not that I'm eating any more. Nope. Eating is a thing of the past.

  35. I LOVE THAT EPISODE!!!! lol.

  36. Custard, good. Jam, good. Meat, good!

    Makes me laugh that we're the same personality type.

  37. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Um...kind of siding with your husband here.
    How were they? (said brightly)

  38. That's a great episode of Friends. But I want to know if he liked it.
