Thursday, May 17, 2012

Every. Single. Day.

I don't think it's legal to live in Utah with children without coming to the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum at least once, but folks in Utah are lucky enough to have a SECOND children's museum - the Treehouse Children's Museum, in Ogden.

I'd heard of it, but was never really motivated to make the drive (GAS IS EXPENSIVE) until Meg came home from a school field trip raving about it.

And with two free passes.

It was pretty great - full of displays and exhibits that my kids (who range in age from 2 to 10) really enjoyed.   When we were there, they announced optional staff-led activities every half an hour or so, like crafts, storytime, and a "Partici-Play" - where a staffer selected volunteers from the audience to come up on stage. (See the video clip below. Jake's one of the hunters.)

As you'll see in that vid, the volunteers and staff here are really enthusiastic. REALLY enthusiastic. I think sometimes when you work with kids in a place like this, it's easy to become sort of immune to all of the loud-manic-kid-joy going on around you, but these folks seemed to LOVE their jobs and seemed to love kids. I liked that a lot.  I also liked that all of the exhibits worked.

What I don't like is that now, every day, Josh asks to go to the "zeum tweehowse", and then cries a little when I tell him not today.

Every day.


Costs about $6 for kids, but they have a $1 off coupon on their website.  Info here.


  1. My kids love that place. I think it's on Tuesdays that here is Toddler Time when it's only $2 per kid or something crazy. It's right across the street from the place where they do the indoor surfing and sky diving so we always make a day of it and watch the skydivers after the museum. Well, I guess we did when we lived in Utah. We don't do that anymore.

  2. *there, not here. Ugh.

  3. Thanks so much for posting all of the wonderful things you've been doing up there. My daughter & I are heading up to Utah at the end of June to help my sister with her newborn & 2 other kiddos. I feel like you've already planned all of our outings w/ the niece & nephew! Sweet!

  4. LOVE the treehouse museum! Whenever we visit my parents in Logan we make a trip to this museum because my kids love it. Last time we were in Utah we went to the Gateway museum for the first time and I actually think the Treehouse one is better. And so did my kids.

  5. The treehouse museum was one of the best things about living in the Ogden area. Plus, you don't have to hand over an arm or a leg as admission to get in like you do at the gateway one. For the record, Farr Family ice cream is is about two blocks north on the road that is on the west side of the temple. I don't think it has changed a day since the 50's. And the ice cream is the best. That is usually how we ended a trip to the treehouse museum.

  6. When our kids were little, we'd go up to slc to the Children's Museum. Can't remember where it was back then. Somewhere very obscure. Once, the five o'clock news was there, doing a piece on it. They interviewed Ginna, who had been chattering about all the science and stuff from the moment we got there. The second the mic went in front of her, the only word she remembered was, "Fine." But since they only gave her only fifteen seconds, she only got to say it about three times.
