Wednesday, May 09, 2012


It's a park!  It's a hike!  It's a park and a hike!

Seriously you guys, rich people have all the luck.  Tucked away inside a ritzy residential neighborhood in North Salt Lake is a cute little park, the Wild Rose Trailhead Park, with a pavillion and a playground.

(When we're at the playground with all of the rich people and their tiny dogs I like to speak with an accent and pretend that Yes, I Also Am A Faux British Millionaire.  Little trails lead to various parts of the neighborhood.  I don't know if this was actually a park feature, or if the rich folk had their servants dig the trails afterward.  Potato / Potahto.)

The BIG trails lead you up into the Bountiful foothills.  There are a lot of really easy hikes you can access from the trailhead, and lots of great picnic spots.  

(Are you sensing a theme here, what with all of the easy hikes?  (And the jealousy?) (Just pretend you don't see that part.)  Ahem.  As to the EASY part - we have little kids.  We have to carry the littlest.  So easy is sort of a prerequisite.)

(I didn't take many pictures of the park or the hike itself, apparently I was obsessing over my cute kids.  This  is Megan and Emma, teaching Josh the hiking victory dance.)

Wild Rose Trailhead Park Bountiful Utah foothills North Salt Lake


  1. oh lady - you are rocking my world!!!!

    i live in davis county and i had no idea how many fun activities surrounded me! i have seriously bookmarked every single post you've published about things to do!

    looks like we're going to get some serious use from the hiking baby-holder backpack thing i bought last winter. :)


  2. "That's TWO --- TWO Sue sightings!" Mwahahaha! It's a new game titled "I wonder if Sue stuck a picture of herself in this post?"

    You're looking fabulous and fabulous-er (that's a new word).

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I love that picture. Your kids are darling.
