Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So... The News

This is karmic payback for all of the times my teenage self scoffed at my mom over my youngest brother and sister’s “accidental” entry into the world.
“How can you have an accidental baby, Mom? Sheesh. Just use birth control. It’s not that hard."

I'm very accidentally pregnant - just past the first trimester.

We are still adjusting to the reality of it all. We're a little shell-shocked, because we were done. DONE. We gave away every last baby thing a long time ago.

And of course, there's stuff making me nervous.

For one thing, I’m old. Thirty-SEVEN. (How is that possible?!)

For another, my uterus is shot. Two different OBs warned me numerous times not to get pregnant and strongly encouraged me to do something to ensure that I didn’t.

(You know, I kept meaning to take care of that…)

The current plan is to take the baby about six weeks early to avoid uterine rupture. (Yeah, if you thought I was a hypochondriac BEFORE...) Apparently this isn't all that uncommon and they know how to handle it, so (insert melodramatic tone here) WE WILL SURVIVE.

We’re trying to work our way into being excited about it, but right now, even though we’ve known for a while, it still seems like something we made up, like a little joke we are telling each other. SURE we’re having another baby. Right. Good one.

I'm a little worried about the kids. I have three good kids and I usually feel somewhat equal to the task of being their mother. But four? I don’t know. I don't know if I can do it and still be the kind of mom I want to be.

Some women have the patience for a large family - the natural knack, the talent for handling crowds. My next door neighbor has seven, and she's a fantastic mother. But if I had seven I'd end up on the news. "Local mother barricades herself inside shed with shotgun, refuses to come out until the children are all asleep."

I know four kids isn't necessarily a large family. (I have eight brothers and sisters. THAT's a large family.) But four kids feels like a lot for me. I'm nervous.  Wish me luck people of the internet.


  1. Wow that is big news! Congratulations! I think it is OK to freak out a little, I'm sure I would. You'll do great!

  2. It IS going to be okay. Really. You and your husband have done this before, you'll remember the drill after the baby is born.

    He/she will have three older siblings who will be SO IN LOVE with their new baby/toy.

    37 is NOT old.

    Six weeks early seems scary, but it's not. Way, way, way back in 1969, I was born almost seven weeks early and obviously I

    I'm VERY excited for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!

  3. From a mother of twins, just know that it's not long before you realize, it's not just something you'll survive, it's something you'll feel blessed with.


  4. oh, and congratulations!!!

  5. Congrats Sue! Wishing you a safe and quick pregnancy!

  6. Yeah, we have a little "surprise" who came only 16 months after the first was born. I told my mom "I didn't know I could get pregnant while I was nursing" and all of her friends freaked out thinking I actually believed that. (I had to find some humor in the situation!)

    Now I'm pregnant with my number 4 and this time we purposely timed it to be close to the last one. Glutton. For. Punishment.

    BTW, my "surprise" is my most easy-going kid and the most fun to be around. (Don't tell the others!)

  7. Oh yeah, congrats!

  8. Oh, I'm excited for you! Congratulations! It's going to be great. Even numbered families are the best. Your older girls are going to love this baby, and soon you'll wonder how you ever lived with him. Or her. Hang in there, and don't go rupturing your uterus or anything. And hey, just THINK of the laziness possibilities you've got going for you now.

    "Sorry babe, can't cook dinner. Don't want to rupture my uterus."

    "Hey, I've got to sit on this couch and watch McGyver all day. It keeps my uterus from rupturing."

    "Celery and carrot sticks? Nope, pretty sure M&Ms are the only way to keep this baby from coming any earlier than it has to."

    Sweetie, you've got it made.

    And 37 is not old. Not at all.

    Congrats again!!!!!!!

    (And you know how much I hate the overuse of exclamation points, but I feel this situation warrents it. Feel honored.)

  9. Next month I'll be turning 38 and giving birth to my fourth child. Last night I was putting away baby things in the room she'll have to share with her 16 year old step-sister, and I swear I started hyperventillating. A BABY. DO YOU REALIZE, I asked my husband, THAT SHE'LL BE LIVING IN OUR HOUSE?
    Tell you what - you give it your best shot, and I'll give it mine. It's all a mother could ever do, anyhow.

  10. I was born as the youngest of 11 to a 43-year old mother. I'm perfectly sane (well, I like to think so) and so therefore, 37 isn't old. Congratulations from a complete stranger. I wish the best for you.

  11. I freaked out just like this when we found out about our 4th - she's a year old now, and I couldn't imagine life without 4 - they balance each other out. In my opinion, after 3 it's all the same! Congratulations and allow yourself to freak out - it does wonders for the stress! Oh - and get some sleep now! ;)

  12. clearly meant to be, right?! it sounds to me like you have tons left to give (i have been thinking of you a lot lately, being with your kids all day, staying up late to work and blog and write... i've been trying to channel some of your energy-- i have all of TWO kids and a husband who got a vasectomy at gunpoint, so, i understand your concerns). i can't wait to read your blog EVEN MORE! if that's possible... congratulations...

  13. Oh come on.

    1. You're a fantastic mother
    2. Accidental babies are the best kind (and new stuff, yay!)
    3. Just think of all the blogging material you've got coming your way (TAMN hasn't covered everything, has she?)
    4. Only 34 weeks of pregnancy? So unfair.

  14. I honestly felt the same way as you when someone had an "accident". How can that happen? Then it happened to me. I was totally blown away. I couldn't sleep one night and as I was laying there I was trying to figure when my cycle should come again and I thought, huh...it's been a while. I just happened to have a few years old pregnancy test in my cabinet so I offhandedly used it never thinking in a million years it would come out positive. My husband woke up to me sobbing(not happy tears) and we were in shock and scared. We had gotten rid of everything also and were "done". It took me a full six months to reconcile myself to my pregnancy. I know this sounds cliche but we could NOT imagine life without him now. He totally changed the dynamic of our family in a good way. He just turned seven years old. His sister is 13 and his brother is almost 11. My husband and I were both the youngest and we were both "accidents" so it is only fitting that we had one of our own. And I wouldn't change a thing about it. It WILL be okay, you WILL make it through it and I suspect you WILL wonder how your family was ever complete without this newest little one.
    Oh..two weeks after our youngest was born, my husband went in for a vasectomy.

  15. Congratulations! I just had #4 and did the bedrest thing and surgery thing and well, all sorts of things to stay pregnant until it was no longer safe to be pregnant. Everyone survived.

    And I am so happy to have this baby. It's different for me having a baby in my mid-thirties. I was in my twenties with my others. I am valuing every single minute more than I did before.

    I got pregnant with one of my other kids while I was on the pill. Shocking. It happens.

    (P.S. A totally unsolicited tip--having your tubes tied at the time of c-section is more cost effective than doing that later. Not that I would ever presume to give you such advice. No one should. I'm just one who knows.)

  16. Congratulations! You will make it! We all somehow do... except for those crazy people that end up talking in partial thoughts and not being able to complete a ...
    Wait- what was I talking about?

    Well congrats! At least you'll have some wonderful helpers!

  17. Anonymous11:09 AM

    WOW. I had a scare last month and I was so upset I was sobbing and asking my husband if we could give the baby away to friends. All the same concerns you just voiced here. How can I be a good mom to FIVE kids? And we DID take permanent measures but I have a friend who had a baby after a vasectomy AND a condom. !!!!! The terror I feel.

    That said, four is a nice number. You don't have to buy a new van, right? You can share bedrooms. You probably don't have to buy a new kitchen table. My friend got pregnant on an IUD with her fourth child. Then they were really done. He had a Vjob scheduled. Then she was pregnant. They had to buy a new vehicle. They won't have room for everyone at the table. Their bedroom situation only works because they have five boys.

    Still, all those are minor annoyances. When your kids are all grown, you will be so glad you had four. It will be hard to do it all over again at first. But you KNOW you will love that baby. You know you'll not want to give it back.

    So many woman have gone before you and know just how you're feeling right now.

    You will get through this and you'll find the joy in it. And think of the blog fodder! I'm almost jealous!

    The funny thing is that just before I came here I was in the bathroom thinking, What if I was pregnant right now? The only thing I could really appreciate about that would be the blog fodder.

  18. Congrats! My first was a surprise. And it couldn't have been better if we planned it.

  19. congratulations! You can do it!! Ra Ra RA! Feel better? I have four and I can manage, and I'm no crowd handler:) I agree, 37 is NOT old, although I'm sure the shock of unexpected news can be a little, uh, surprising to say the least. It happened, so embrace it. Yeah, slap me, I'd understand. hee hee. I have no idea how I'd handle that kind of news. i'd probably run away from home.

  20. I was 42 with my last--she was a surprise too. Her next closest sibling was nine and her oldest sibling was 21. It was a trying time, I cried until she was born and then I knew she was meant to be here. It gets better. DO take very good care of yourself. Eat all the "good" foods and do as someone else suggested--rest. Advice from a stranger and congratulations too.

  21. Oh my word. 37 is so freaking old. Get yourself some orthopedic shoes for this pregnancy!

    Um yeah, just joking. Seriously, just joking. No. Really. Just joking.

    You're young and fabulous--with really good hair!

    Congrats Sue! Babies are the greatest!!!!! I mean that!

  22. What wonderful news! Congratulations and it IS going to be okay.

    Take that from a 36-year-old who had her fourth baby six weeks ago. I've had all those same fears and worries but you know what...we're making it. Every day I get better at the mother-of-four thing and every day things get a little easier. Don't worry about the other kids, they'll be fine. You're giving them a sibling and that is a great gift.

    I'm excited for you! *hugs*

  23. People will be crawling out of the woodwork to unload the crap, er, baby stuff in their attics upon you so don't worry about the baby gear. It sounds like the medical professionals have a good grasp of how to handle that area of concern.

    Yeah, everything will be OK.

  24. Gotta love someone who tells me the exact response they want/need. Men could take a lesson here (and thank you to everyone who has a wishlist for birthdays/Christmas, too).

    Congratulations. It's going to be okay. (I'm betting it's going to be a LOT better than okay, someday.)

  25. My last one was a little surprise. He turned out to be my sweetest one. You'll see - everyone (including yourself) will rise to the occasion, and this little one will add something to your family that, in a short time, you won't be able to imagine living without. Congratulations, and take care.

  26. You so are going to be a great mom of 4. How can you not be? Trust me, when that little one comes along you are going to wonder how you survived with only 3. My baby (and Last one FOR SURE- we did fix it!) turned 2 last week and that was hard, but I looked at pictures of her and wondered what life would be like without her. It was a sad, sad, sad thought!

    PS 37? Not old dear. You are only 20/17. Good times!

  27. 37 is not old. 67 is old.

    Also, my Abuela always says "Every baby arrives with a loaf of bread." But she says it in Spanish, which makes it sound more folksy and mysterious. In English it just sounds dumb. But the sentiment is sound.

  28. Congratulations! It's gonna be okay. (Very reassuring, I know, especially coming from a momma of one who never went through pregnancy.)

  29. My sister got pregnant with a surprise baby at 44 (last year!) - she has a lot of people who say, "Ohhh, you poor thing!" and you know what? SHE feels sorry for THEM.


  30. I am excited for you too! and it will be ok. everything has a tendency to work out. and you're lucky! another tax deduction!

  31. Congrats!! And seriously...I have 5...Once you get passed 3 anything else is a piece of cake.

    What a wonderful little accidental/miracle/blessing!

  32. yay! I'm so happy for you!!!! I know it seems like a lot to take on but you can totally do it. do the kids know yet?

  33. Congrats! I found telling my husband about our "surprise" (#5 no less!) the hardest thing to do. I felt so guilty and horrible because we, too, were done as in D. O. N. E. No more babies. Ah, well, God knew best and our Emma is the sweetest little gem of a child. So glad she came last - if she had been first or second, we'd have kept on having more just to duplicate her. Congrats - the excitment will kick in - I promise. For us, it was at the delivery, but that's okay. :)

  34. Anonymous12:17 PM

    This is so exciting!
    Giants hug and congratulations:)

  35. It's completely ok to freak out! But you honestly will be just fine. Congratulations and think calm thoughts!

  36. Sue, this post made me realize how much we have in common, except of course for the main point of the post: that you're pregnant. I'll be 37 this year, have 3 children and feel like I have reached my motherhood ceiling. I worry all the time that I could probably never handle any more, but what if God wants me to, and he magically OVERRIDES my birth control in an effort to show me that "my ways are not your ways" and all that stuff? I wonder all the time how those moms of many do it and survive. I am strangely happy for you because I have a feeling you're going to show me it's all okay. So thanks for that. And congratulations. (But, for the record, it will still take a magical birth control override for me.)

  37. Holy cowzers.

    Yes, this is terrifying. I would be terrified too. BUT from what I know of you, you've got a lot of room in that big heart of yours. It really will be OK. It will.

  38. Well, this explains A LOT. Not that you've been moody or anything lately. :)

    CONGRATULATIONS! Babies are so fun!

    But, you've inspired me. I'm so calling to get an IUD. I need to find an OB first, though. Hmmm....

    (My deal is, we've always felt done, and we are done, but if a surprise came along, OK, it was meant to be. Now, there's no way I'm dealing with a diabetic pregnancy, even though I know women do it all the time. I'm WAY done now.)

  39. Congrats! It'll be AWESOME! Just be glad it's not twins. Or triplets. Or octoplets.

    Isn't the best way to prevent a ruptured uterus to sit on the couch all day and dunk oreos in milk? I could've sworn I read that somewhere. . .

  40. I had Matt at 38 and he's a TREASURE. An accidental treasure, but still a complete treasure.

    Everyone tells me that #4 just puts your family in balance.

    I'm really happy for you.

  41. Yay Sue! It will be so much better to have this baby now that your kids are a little older. It makes all the difference in the world! And having 4 means you're an expert and will be much less stressed this time around.

    And 37 is pretty much the awesomest age there is.

  42. Congrats!!
    It will all be ok! I had my last one at 37 and we are just fine!!!
    and he is 3 now and keeping me young!
    Good luck :o)

  43. Hang in there... My girlfriend just went through this with baby number FIVE after they had just decided, "Yep, the youngest is out of diapers, in preschool and loving it. Time for the big V!" They have four gorgeous girls and baby five brought the wonder of having a son. It took a while for her to adapt to the idea but they're doing just fine and at 10 months, the little boy they added by accident is a wonderful complement to his sisters and parents.

    Once this is over, you might look into Essure as a permanent form of BC. No snipping anyone or anything. Just an easy visit to your OB and in a few months, you're permanently "fixed!" I've seen it on a few different news and talk shows and it seems brilliant!

  44. I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE NOT DYING! YET! Seriously though, from every single person I've heard the same thing: once you go over two kids it's all the same afterwards. Three will feel the same as four will. The doctors will look after you and your baby, you'll both survive, and you'll be a great mom to all four kids. Don't sweat it. :) Oh, and congrats on your newest surprise.

  45. Congratulations! It'll be more than ok! Once you find your groove it'll be awesome.

  46. Congratulations! It is okay. God is not going to send you more than you can handle. Repeat after me: God is not going to send me more than I can handle. Repeat. Repeat. Best wishes!

  47. Congratulations! I know you are in shock now, but it does seem true (especially after I read the comments) that once the baby is here, you can't imagine life without him or her. It will all work out and you'll be a great mom to four kids.

  48. I've heard that all fourth babies are angels because their moms would go crazy if they weren't, so it'll be just fine. You'll have a perfectly behaved baby the other kids will adore. Congratulations! Everyone will be fine. More than fine.

  49. congratulations! 37 isn't old, but seems to be a common time for surprise babies. both of my sisters had surprises at 37. hehe

    you'll be just fine.

  50. It will most definitely be OK. You will do great. I remember freaking out when my first baby was born (how will I shower??), then again when my second was born (I have to take them both to the grocery store? together??). Somehow, we assimilate. We make it work, and once we're there, we can't imagine having it any other way.

    37 is most definitely NOT old to have a baby these days. I have friends who had their first at 40, and their second three years after that. Times are a-changin'.

  51. I think this is fantastic news! You are definitely cut out for this!

    I'm excited to read about it! :)

    How are you feeling? Not puking I hope.

  52. Hey, life is just one big amusement park. You've just found yourself in line for the roller coaster again. A little anxiety at first, maybe some screaming, someone takes your picture when you're eyes are bugging out, and then it's over and you say "That was FUN!" I'm not sure where I'm going with this analogy...

    Congratulations! You'll be more than fine. With three you're already a pro.

  53. That is great! Congrats! They always say the last one is the best and once you have them you will amazed that you ever thought of living without them. I am the last and favorite child even though my Dad did NOT want another baby!

  54. You can totally handle four kids. You are such a good mom and this baby is so lucky to be coming to your family.
    Love ya tons!

  55. Congratulations! And it's going to be more than okay. We had our four and 6 years later, shazam! bonus baby. She provides us with all sorts of entertainment and keeps us young at heart.

  56. oh man congratulations. that is big news indeed and i can't help but feel really excited for you, but nervous too, i hope everything goes well. now you have even numbers for the rides at disneyland or lagoon even. oh babies are great, congratulations!

  57. YOU. CAN. DO. THIS. Additonal tax credits are always a good thing!!

    Congratulations, Sue. It's all going to be just fine. (I'm a wee bit envious.)

  58. hm. the thought of an exploding uterus doesn't sound fun.

    If it makes you feel any better...
    naah, there's nothing that will make you feel better until you realize that you are feeling better than you thought you would. And you will.

  59. Now you won't have a middle child! I say CONGRATULATIONS!! You will be so happy years from now! I am the youngest of 4 girls, my mom always said I kept her young. I hope that was true! Anyway this time around you know what you are doing, you will have 3 helpers and 3 kids who ADORE thier baby!! You will be AWESOME!!

  60. This is what I get for checking out Twitter before your blog.

    Congrats!! You'll be fine. You do enough hand-wringing for twice as many kids you have now - so no sweat.

    Well now you don't have to wonder what you should blog about. This should give you lots of blogfodder for months to come.


  61. My 37 year old daughter had a baby girl a year ago when her other children were 12, 14 and 16! She has been an amazing blessing to our family--yours will too!

  62. Oh I forgot, now you just need to put your email on your blog so people can request your address or your PO BOX to send you great baby stuff for FREE!! Everyone loves a baby! See if someone will host a Blog baby shower!!! What fun, you can post pictures of all the cute stuff you get! We just need to know the sex first! And no I am not a stalker, just a mother of 5!

  63. Congratulations!

    I think someone else said it above, but my baby after I said no more babies IS the easiest, happiest, friendliest, slept through the night once we got home from the hospital, just freaking delightful kid (as is the #3, the other one that wasn't on MY schedule). I'm going to go knock on some wood now - he's almost 2 and things could change any day ;-)

  64. Congratulations!!

    Do you need a crib? We just moved our #4 into a big boy bed.

    4 kids is a great number. With my OCD tendencies, I really needed an even number.

    Excited for you and hope you're feeling OK.

  65. Yeah, I kinda figured that's what it was. Hey, at least you're not like MY mom. There were three kids, I was fourteen and the baby. My mom was forty and along came Harry. But it totally works and Harry rocks. At 56 my mom is way more hip than I am at 30. Have fun! You'll be fine.

  66. I don't disagree with everyone's comments, my #3 was a surprise and the easiest baby, but here's the thing:

    Take another trimester to cope with it while feeling like you got hit by a truck in surprise. Then get it all together and have the baby. What else are you going to do?

    You'll live and you'll remember what you need. Maybe you'll be even better with the perspective you've got now. Who knows.

  67. Congratulations! :D I was an accident baby.... and one time when I was a teenager my mom started to go into a LITTLE too much detail as to HOW I was an accident (I think to scare me out of doing anything questionable with boys...) and I got all grossed out, because HELLO these are my PARENTS, ... anyways, she finally just gave up and told me they found me under a rock. I can handle that :)

  68. Definitely, it will be okay. Just don't re-read my blog...you know, all those posts about vomit and all...

    Duct tape? Wouldn't that fix up the old uterus for the time being?

  69. Congratulations! And it WILL be okay. And you WILL have all the skills you need to be a fantastic mom of four. It doesn't mean you'll be perfect, because perfect moms do not exist (except, perhaps, in momma's-boys eyes), and it doesn't mean it won't be a challenge, because it most likely will, but I know you'll be just fantastic about it. I just have this feeling you'll be superb. :-)

    You. Are. Fabulous. Okay?

  70. Congratulations! This is fabulous! Everything is going to turn out well. And one more? After three, one more is pie. Three is the hardest.

    And 37? Please - you're practically a baby. So young and beautiful. You will breeze right through all of this. Maybe the uterus problems will convince them to just take it out and this will really be your last baby.

    Again, CONGRATULATIONS!! I really am very excited for you.

  71. I am SO excited for you!!
    You're amazing, Sue. You will be the exact mom that baby needs.
    (and for the other 3 as well!)

  72. Congratulations!

    You will do fabulous.

    Now when you go to Disneyland, nobody has to sit next to the weird old man...everybody has a partner for the rides!

    You have an excuse to make your husband go buy ice cream at 11 PM. You can't, you're too (tired, out of breath, you're trying to keep the baby in uterus, etc.)


  73. Congratulations!!! That is such exciting (and slightly overwhelming) news!

    I have to tell you that you WILL be fine and more blessed than you can ever imagine by this turn of events! I say that with a surety b/c I have walked this same path. We had just moved from Alabam to Montana, started new jobs, broken ground on our new dream house when we found out we were expecting baby #4. Almost 9 years later, my "baby" continues to be the light of my life, and never fails to remind me that my teenagers were once, and will be again, sweet human beings. These reminders have kept me from killing her siblings more than once..... ;) Our #4 truly has been the icing on our cake, and, in some ways, the glue that holds the rest of us together! You will all have more fun and love in your home than you can imagine as a consequence of this little's arrival!!!

    p.s. My #4 was my 4th C-section and was taken at 36 wks to avoid me going into labor and risking uterine rupture (as was #3) and they were and are all healthy, strong and maybe even too smart! ;)

    p.p.s. You're in my prayers! and again: Congrats, Congrats, Congrats!!!!

  74. It will be the best thing ever! Honestly. The same thing happened to me and my husband. We had three kids, sold the last of the baby things and when then my youngest was seven. Along came T. I cried for 3 days. In the end it was the best thing ever. She became the family's child. My older kids (son and daughter) who were in Jr. High and High school - when they came home they would pick her up and just snuggle with her in the chair. On really bad days they would just sit and play with her longer. She was their centering agent. She has been dragged around by the older kids, goes everywhere with Dad(he is the stay at home parent). She is just fun and outgoing.

    I never in a million years ever thought that I would have wanted another child so late in life and so far apart in age from her siblings. Now I couldn't see it any other way.

    You will see!

  75. CONGRATS! I have four kids... the fourth was a complete and utter SHOCKER.

    I lived.
    You will too... and your life will be surprisingly better with an even number of everything *grin*

  76. I wondered & I'm so excited for you! My youngest sister was an accident but she is the sweetest person ever. I'm 10 years older than her & I adore her. Couldn't imagine life w/o her.

    BTW, one of my VT partners (we do groups here) just gave birth to #6 after having been done for 11 yrs. Her little girl is a doll & so adorable. She told us that she cried for two weeks straight ( I get it since we're both 42 & in peri-menopause).

    You'll be fine. Just take the time you need & all will be well.

  77. You're going to do great! Just keep laughing your way through it and you will survive!

    I wish I could accidentally get pregnant. That would be a surprise I would welcome. Mostly since for me to get pregnant I have to be on meds and then there is the whole temperature and scheduling of things. Kind of takes the fun out of it.

    But I am happy for you. It is scary but you will be great!

    And 37 is NOT old.

  78. The way I see it (and my opinion is sooo important!), these kinds of situations are how we learn that the Lord has a sense of humor. He sits up there in the clouds and says..."I wonder what will happen if..." and voila! BUT, after #3 AND #4 surprises, I asked my good doc to tie DOUBLE-knots in my tubes. Because 41 was WAY too old to have a baby...so suck it up Miss 37 year old! And milk it for all it's worth! You have an incredible blessing on the way...I am sure of that! Congratulations from Sunny Arizona!

  79. First, 37 is NOT old! Not even in child-bearing years.

    Second, CONGRATULATIONS! You're going to love this one SOOOO much! You have 3 built in slaves/helpers who are all old enough to get it. You'll really be able to enjoy this one.

    Third, don't kick yourself too hard over that permanent measures thing. My mom had a tubal. And then she got pregant. And then it happened AGAIN. I only wish I was making that up. I learned that if there's a child that is meant to be a part of your family, you're not going to be able to stop it. Just enjoy the ride.

    Fourth, I think Heather O. is very wise. Listen to her!

    Fifth, we love you! We'll be happy to listen to any whining or complaining or mushy gushing you feel you need to share. And photos. Feel free to share lots of photos.

  80. Congratulations! You'll do great!

  81. 37 is not too old. Your mom and her 2 sisters all had children after the age of 37. If I had stopped before 37, I wouldn't have Kelly and Patrick.

    All will be well. Your girls will be a big help with the baby and your boy might just get a little brother. It will be great for the whole family.

    But it does sound like you need to send out a family email to round up baby stuff, and maybe a shower is in order. Your cousin, Lynn, might just have some things she'd be willing to send your way.


    Oh, and while your doctor is in there delivering this little one have him/her make sure that this really is the last one.

  82. Everything will be all right. I am sure you got good doctors looking after you. And the new kid will bring something unique to your family, like all children do. So a year from now you will be glad three wasn't your final number. Good luck to you, your family and the little one.

    In the mean time, take deep breaths (you probably won't be able to for much longer) and take one day at a time. Excitement will come eventually.

  83. Anonymous2:57 PM

    You WILL survive, with each child I turly believe your heart and patience grow. Of corse I only have two so what do I know...but I know you will find the humor in it all, and that is the key. Congratulations!

  84. OK, first of all, I'm 37 and one of nine kids too...funny.

    Secondly, I have four. Some days it's crazy, some days it works. My fourth pregnancy, while not a surprise, took an enormous leap of faith. It was not easy. His infancy was far from easy. But he's nearly 2 now, and we've survived, and we are enjoying him very very much. You can do it. And I'm glad you have good medical care.

    Oh, and 37...not old. We're NOT OLD.

  85. Four is Perfect. It is an even number and no one will be the middle child.
    Congrats! I know everything will be fine.

  86. I'm with K above me. Even numbers are better. I was one of three and my sister is STILL a middle child. She's 26.

    Congrats, and everything WILL be ok.

  87. And all this time you thought this ever-growing blog was your baby! Nice to have a little reminder that you can give birth to many many things. A baby, of course, being the best of them. Congratulations!

  88. congratulations! it's going to be great. YOU are going to be great. i was my mom's last "surprise" (number 6), and she was 40. you've got three years on her! you're not old at all.

  89. Congratulations! It's going to be okay! No really, it is!

    (PS - thanks for being JUST the little extra push I needed to go have my IUD checked. Been meaning to do something about that!)

  90. CONGRATS, it all will be fine.


  91. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm betting once the news sinks in -- probably around 30 weeks -- you'll be really excited.

    Also? I don't agree that 37 is old. Because I'm 37. And I'm not old. See how that works?

    (By the way, I flew over Utah on my way home from San Diego on Saturday, and I looked out at the gorgeous mountains and all the snow and thought, "Utah. Sue lives there." I'm thinking it should be the state motto. "Utah: Sue Lives There.")

  92. I understand how you feel. When my son was 8 months old I found out I was pregnant again. And then a couple months later I had a sonogram and found out it was TWINS. We only ever wanted two kids - and spaced at least 3 years apart. It threw everything into chaos for a while (and yes - we had the whole "how do you 'accidentally' get pregnant when you are already a 30-something mom" conversation).

    But it's something you just do. And it's hard, and you have moments when you feel bitter, and then you feel guilty because you are so lucky... But most of all you have more love. And that's something you can't imagine living without once you have it. Mostly because it's wonderful - but just a tiny bit because you don't have a choice.


  93. I was 37 when I had my youngest and my 2nd was 6 weeks early. It worked out for us. Congratulations!

  94. Congrats! A new baby is so exciting! You'll do great! It's a little bit scary when they arrive as a surprise. And he/she will just keep you young!

  95. Sue, I wondered if this was your news. Congratulations! It's ok to take time to get used to the idea. I know everyone else is saying get your tubes tied, but you could also think about having another one to keep this baby company:) *ducking to dodge things being thrown at me*

  96. I keep trying to think of encouraging, poignant things to say, but nothing sounds right. So I'll just say congratulations, I'm happy for you, and a new life is always something to celebrate!

  97. I think that is WONDERFUL news. Babies are always blessings...and the moment you hold that precious little bundle in your arms, you'll forget all the rest.

    Didn't you know? Giving away the baby stuff is HOW this happened. ;)


  98. YAY FOR BABIES! That is so exciting. It is ok to be worried. But just thing of the tiny little hands, soft skin and sweet smell. I wish I could have an accidental baby, but my hubby got the snip. My health seriously cannot handle another pregnancy or even the same day surgery for a tubal. I secretly wish it were not that way - I would love a surprise!
    And four kids is not that bad. I have four. For a while when we did foster care I had five. Just be organized and remember to enjoy them. Kids are fun.

  99. Super congratulations! I can't believe this JUST came up in my blog reader! So exciting! Baby G was five weeks early and he was just fine. I'm sure yours will be just great considering that the doctors will actually be prepared for that. Yay!

    Go write. Write now. Right now. No, really should. Make Cordy prego. What a plot twist, eh?

    Or you know what? Don't. Take it easy, have some chocolate, and incubate. That's good, too.

  100. Since when is 37 old? Please tell me its not old. Though it reminds me of a random, poorly paraphrased, tv quote, "and 37 rounds up to 40 which rounds up to 50 which rounds up to 80 and that's just nearly dead!"

  101. Congrats, lady!

    You're not old, you're obviously an excellent mother already so adding one more kid won't take away that talent, and it WILL be okay.

    Just breathe.

  102. Congrats?

    The hasn't quite grown up part of me is whining "Not fair!" at the moment, but wow, no jealousy here regardless.

    It's going to be more than okay, because while it's an accident from your perspective, I have a feeling it's not from someone else's. HE thinks you can handle that, and who'm I to disagree? =P Congrats for reals!

  103. Congrats Sue! Your older kids are going to be great helps. My 39-year-old SIL just had her first. You are an awesome mom and will continue being an awesome mom to this 4th little one.

  104. Coming out of lurkdom for the FIRST TIME EVER just to tell you congrats. And breathe. And all that other great stuff you're supposed to say to someone with wonderfully overwhelming news.

    Actually I'm relieved that it's "just" a pregnancy, since SOMETHING has obviously been up for the last few weeks. So hang in there and try to have fun with it.

    On the plus side, you'll have plenty to blog about for the next year or so!

    Sending plenty of prayers and well wishes your way from a cyber-friend with an even older uterus...yikes!

    Angie F. (Had to hijack my hubby's google acct. to comment.)

  105. Congratulations! It really will be OK. And you can totally handle four, especially with three who are older. It makes a huge difference. (Personal experience speaking here.)

  106. Congrats. It'll be okay. (Most of the time.)

    And you will fall in love with that baby every time you hold him (or her) and wonder why you ever doubted yourself.


  107. Oh--and I turned 37 five days after my fourth was born. (She'll be 1 in April.)

  108. Personally, I've always preferred families with even numbers of children. There are all kinds of ways of pairing off, and nobody is ever left as the third/fifth wheel. It will be good.

  109. I am keeping my husband far away from your blog - he's terrified about having an "accident" and wants to do something permanent, but well, I'm just not as sure.

    But are there really any "accidents"? I think they're blessings in disguise. At least at first, and then they become obvious blessings.
    Good luck. I can't believe I'm excited for you and I don't even know you. But I do love your blog.

  110. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Oh, you're going to be a great mom to four!!! After all, what's one more.

    CONGRATS!!!!! For the record, I don't think you're old. Lots of people have their first at your age. No big deal. And having the baby early just means 6 less weeks of being pregnant. That's a good thing in my book!

    Enjoy it. After all, it will be your last...maybe. ;-)


  111. I feel like I'm late to the party, but Congrats anyway. I'm gonna go make some tacos now. Does that sound good to you, or does it make you wanna puke? Cuz if I were your neighbor I'd bring you some "I-heard-you're-preggo-even-though-you-didn't-really-wanna-be Tacos" if that sounded good to you. But since I'm not your neighbor, I'm just gonna eat them all by myself.

    Also, just think of all the AWESOME blogging stuff you'll get out of this! NOt to be shallow, but that is a major bonus of having a baby when you're 1. not planning it (cuz then it's sorta crazy and funny--well, maybe) and 2. old enough to know all the tricks and really important parts about being a mom, but not too old to do them and be able to laugh/write about it, (or tell your older kids to do them while you take a nap). So, you know, it's gonna be great! (P.s. will you let us vote on your baby's name? Just kidding. Kinda).

  112. Wow! I'm almost 45 and number 10 is due in may. 37 is not old. :)

    I gave all the baby stuff away after #9 outgrew it. Besides, this is the 5th girl and #9 was the 5th boy. Mom owns a children's clothing consignment shop- I'll by "new" clothes.

    I've haven't used a crib for the last 7 kids, at least not for the baby, though the few I had and gave away gave me a large place to throw the clean laundry until I got around to folding it.

    I'm a lazy co-sleeping, breadstfeeding, attachment parenting mom. No cribs, pacifiers or cribs used here. Only bottles of breastmilk when I am at work.

  113. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Sue FEAR NOT! Baby number four is going be the easiest because you will have plenty of willing help from both your girls and always from me. We are ALL here for you :) I'm going to start searching for baby hand-me-downs. It's ok to be excited now.

    Remember, my offer still stands. If it turns out to be two. I'll gladly take one home. Really... don't thank me

  114. A thought for you....

    Brown with pink polka dots.

    There just weren't such classy color combinations and patterns (almost) thirteen years ago when I had my first daughter. And I saw a pink car seat in Walmart the other day!!

    AAAAWWW right?

    If you have a boy... I got nothin.

    Congratulations!! It really is going to be OK!

  115. Wow. Ya, that's some freakin' big dang news! Maybe this'll make you feel better: My grandma had my aunt when she (gramma) was 45. Oopsie! However, she (aunt) turned out to be a big huge pain in the A**!
    I'm sure you'll be fine. Obviously HF thought you were doing a good enough job with the first three, He wanted to send you another little angel.

    That'll be more comforting when boo-boo is sleeping through the night. Til then? Good luck!

  116. I wondered...

    Congratulations and it WILL be ok. Remember the Lord is sending this sweet soul to you and He will protect you both and give you the sanity you need.

  117. basically this is awesome news...

    minus the whole uterine rupture thing you know.

    i am emailing you.

  118. Congratulations! I'm currently 25 weeks along with our oops baby and have 5-year-old twins who were delivered at just under 34 weeks. They needed a little help, but were overall very healthy. You'll make it through!!

  119. Oh Sue, here's little me in the corner. I didn't read all the previous comments because there are so, so many people who love you and it makes me feel just a little more in awe.

    No, you're not old. Yes, you are capable. You are brilliant, and fantastically beautiful, and wittier than Spock. What else does a mother need? All right, the beautiful part is maybe not essential.

  120. Freaking out is very normal...I still freak out, and my kids are almost 14 and 11.

    You'll be just fine. It's just going to take a little time to adjust to the new little bundle.


  121. Sue! Congrats!
    I couldn't wait for you to blog about it so I could tell you!!

  122. All I'm saying is DAMN you're old. *snort*

    Besides. If I can do four, you can do four. True story.

  123. Oh, plus at least it's not like you're pregnant at your daughter's wedding. I mean, THAT would be awful. So, yeah. You totally got this.

  124. What the? I saw something about morning sickness on your Twitter and freaked the eff out.

    Congratulations, really and truly. You make beautiful babies and you're a cool mom. Those are plenty good reasons to have four kids.

  125. Anonymous7:30 PM

    You know what..... I know how you feel. I'm 37 and just had my fourth baby..... planned however. You will not stop worrying until tests are run, results given and cries are heard.

    But all will be fine. I promise. So, sit back and enjoy your time as you know it. Sleep now. And, enjoy this baby inside you 'cause he or she will be your last you feel moving inside of you.

    In a few months.... you'll not be able to imagine your life any other way!!

  126. If you need a couple of "one-upper"stories, I met a lady on my mission in Austria who was in her 50's with grandchildren who found out she was pregnant. Um, yeah...so there's that.

    Also, a friend of mine delivered her baby the same month as her mother. Creepy.

    You're a spring chicken with a whole lot of love to give. plus, I'm pregnant with #4 due in August too....so HOORAY for babies! I sure love you even though I'm a perfect stranger from afar!

  127. Congratulations!! My last was unplanned, #5, we were totally DONE...seems like it happens alot! But as so many before me said, she was absolutely meant to be here, and now I can't imagine our life without her. I think she is a specil gift from my grandmother (working through the Lord of course!). You'll do great, all us moms know it!! Good luck, rest, eat chocolate and blog!

  128. How blessed you are! Congratulations! YOU are going to be just fine! What beautiful news! God Bless you and your family!

  129. Oh mah holy heck! Congratulations!!!!

  130. Wow, congrats! And you know, it WILL be ok. There are TONS of positives to this (I`m liking the possibilities of laziness as mentioned by another commenter). For example, you have built in babysitters . . . or at least mother`s helps, you won`t have empty nest syndrome for a long time and hello, 37 is NOT that old!

    BTW, I had a surprise of my own (well, right after the first surprise) and I spent the entire pregnancy mourning the fact that my oldest son was going to be a big brother before he could walk properly and freaking out about the whole having another baby thing. And guess what? The kid showed up and he`s pretty darn cool. And it turns out that he`s a perfect fit for our family, so I`m sure once your newest arrives you`ll realize that this was a good idea on Fate`s part. ;)

  131. Hooray! And please, 37 is not old. My mother had her fifth at 42. Not that I'd wish that on you. But still. You're just getting your second wind, right??

  132. Congrats and it WILL be okay--wow--it would take me years to adjust--nine months minus 6 weeks seems hardly long enough! Hang in there!

  133. Karmic Payback :)
    It will all be alright, you will rise to the occasion and ooh baby, babies are wonderful. You lucky lucky gal.

  134. Congratulations.
    Freaking out is allowed.
    You will be great.
    My mom got her tubes tied and still had a third. So, you saved yourself an operation.

  135. I love Rhonda's comment. They are all supportive, & celebratory, & great, but I liked hers one of the best.

    I, for one, am thrilled! Diana & I are already planning a trip up for a super dope baby shower. (if your neighbors could get on that, that would be great) I can only imagine the shell shocked feeling you must have had, and maybe still do, but I kind of agree with what so many of the others have said. This baby is going to be the most perfect addition that you didn't even know you needed. My Mom wasn't supposed to have any more either after Erica because of medical reasons, then she got pregnant with me & was told to abort because of how dangerous it was for her & me. Obviously that was out. After lots of prayers & blessings, she had me AND LOOK HOW WELL THAT TURNED OUT FOR EVERYONE!!!! This baby is going to end up being the favorite! haha
    Lots & lots of love.

  136. i caught whiff of this little doozie a bit back, and i've been thinking of you ever since.

    with just a wee hint of jealousy.

    but mostly just love.

  137. Congratulations on the big news!

    Don't beat yourself up because you are freaking out a little bit. It's a perfectly natural response. Give yourself a little time to get used to the idea...

    I know things are uncertain, but hang in there. As soon as you see your sweet baby's face, all of your worries will simply melt away. Children are a treasure from the Lord.

  138. You're going to be fine! Completely awesomely fine.


  139. Sue, you can do this. You really can. And congratulations!--Emily M.

  140. Congratulations! What water did you drink? I need to stay away from it.

  141. look. i'm sure you'll do great. and everything will be great. great great great.

    but look, if you want to drop it off at our house we'll take it. my spouse will stop bugging me, and i won't have to give birth.

    just saying. and just kidding. :)sorta.

  142. Oh, hey, late to the party and you don't need ONE. MORE. STINKING. CONGRATS. But still. I am thrilled for you! You will be thrilled, too, when the baby is about two years old. Or maybe three. (I'm not sure if this will make you feel better or worse but I had my last when I was 37 and now I'm 44 and he's in first grade and everything is so much easier now!)

  143. Having said that, he's my favorite. But shhh! Don't let that get around.

  144. This is the first time I am leaving you a comment...even though I always read your blog.
    So You are going to be okay and you can do it! I think Heavenly Father really knows you and knows that you can do this, otherwise he wouldn't have allowed it to happen. He loves you and trusts that you will continue to be the kind of mother you are right now.
    I'm excited for you and wish you the best!! Congratulations!

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. My mom was 37 with her third, 39 with her fourth (and she would kill me for telling you since she's still 29.)

    Now that you'll be fine it's time to start Googling skin diseases! Just kidding.

    No, seriously, wrap up that mouse and WALK AWAY FROM WEBMD.

  147. How wonderful! 37 is not a bit old for a baby when it's your fourth. Worry not. I had my first at 36. Or maybe 35. But anyway. The uterus thing is a bit worrying but you get to skip those last sucky 6 weeks. This could catch on big.

  148. Looks like you got plenty of comment going here. But since I cannot resist - especially when I cannot sleep - I will tell you that 37 is NOTHIN'. I had my beloved last when I was 39 and lived. And he lived. And he may be the best of the lot (unless Gin is reading this, then she is the best).

    There is no question that it will be work, but Sue - here's what I learned. I had five years between The Three and The One. And because of that, I enjoyed that last baby like I hadn't had a chance to do before.

    The others can get their jammies on. They can help. They can speak to you - it's not like having three little guys. It's like having one in a leisurely, thoughtful way - you have time to observe, to savor, to enjoy. And if you do your job right, that last one will honestly be the joy of your life.

    Or so it has been for us. This is a good thing. A sweet thing. A quiet thing. You know the drill now, and you're not exhausted with the strain of carrying a bunch of other people on your hip, etc. Have peace. This is the dessert.

  149. Wow, that was a lot of comments to scroll through, with that many well-wishes, everything is going to be fine!

    Congratulations to you and your husband. You've got such a great spirit Sue, you're going to be great as a Mum of four.

    And one last thing (she says, ever so selfishly), please don't stop blogging!

  150. Wow. I was in the same exact place last year, and actually am up at 4 am with the baby right now. We were done done done, I have health issues, I liked having three kids. We were actively trying to prevent pregnancy. I had to have him about six weeks early because of fear of rupturing. Same exact thing. I've spent days crying and not wanting to get out of bed. I'm sick and malnourished through my pregnancies which didn't make it any easier. Now that he is here, I'm still not sure that I want the baby, I love him, but some days it is still hard. I keep hoping with time that things will get better and I will grow to appreciate what my little man brings to my family.
    Yet, I think that will be easier when he finally sleeps through the night!
    I wish you luck, and hope that you find peace with this.

  151. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Huge congratulations! And it IS going to be OK!

  152. Anonymous4:21 AM

    CONGRATS! You'll do fine. Don't worry about being freaked--I think that's normal. Although I realize this is different, I managed to get preg with twins when my first was 12 months old...there are 20 months between them. I am not a "lots of kids and noise make me relax" person and I was more than a little freaked, but it turned out great! ;) Your older kids will be a great help, and 6 weeks early isn't too bad. :) Chocolate will see you through. And 37 is still young. My mother was 43 when I was born.

  153. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I'm buried in comments, so I doubt you'll get to see this.

    We had a post-vasectomy surprise baby that was born on April Fool's Day. Isn't life funny?! (Eh, I'm still waiting to laugh about it myself and the surprise is almost 7 years old now.)

    I got tired of people telling me it was going to be okay, blah blah blah. I had a majorly shot uterus as well... it was just not any fun at all..

    But I cannot for one second imagine life without unexpected miracle.

  154. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Congratulations. It WILL be ok. Especially because you've got a few years between the new baby and the older ones. AND the older ones are still young enough to think that helping with the baby will be cool (because they probably don't remember the third one being a baby so much).

    There are 9 years between me and my youngest sister, and 5 between the middle kid and the youngest. Mom managed to con us older two into helping out a LOT. You have a great imagination. It'll be just like the princess/servant game! Ha! ;)

    Seriously, congratulations. A year and a half from now, you won't want to trade this for anything.


  155. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I have three kids and NONE of them were planned...certainly welcome but definitely not planned.

    The last two are less than 49 weeks apart. When I took that preg test I was sure I got a false positive since I had just given birth. Needless to say, after being pregnant for so long my husband volunteered to get a vasectomy.


  156. Congratulations!

    You will be fine — better than fine, you'll be awesome.

    As for the kiddo, I just had a friend deliver 6 weeks early, and he is fine. They kept him in the nursery (not the NICU) for a couple days just to be sure he could keep his body temp up, but he didn't even really need that, and he gained his birth weight and then some back almost immediately.

    You will find a way to make it through. Freecycle?

  157. Oooooo! No wonder you've been thrown for a loop. Congratulations, everything will be okay. My hubs and I used to joke that if this ever happened to us we would have LDS Social Services on speed dial. In the end though, new babies and their tiny fingers and sweet breath...it'll be a good thing.
    Plus, you'll have lots more to blog about now!

  158. I love you. My full comment is too long; I'll send it to you.

  159. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Let's hope for a little brother. Every boy should experience a sister AND a brother. You'll do fine!

  160. Wow. Congratulations! Our nephew and his wife just discovered they are having their 5th and she's 40. You'll probably find it hard to imagine life without 4 after a very short time.

  161. My number four was also a surprise as I was using three kinds of birth control at the time he was conceived. It was really crazy.

    So I started out assuming right off the bat that our fourth was definitely "meant" to be in our family. And everything turned out great. He was a mellow, easy baby and the older kids absolutely loved him.

    By the way, it is a lot easier when you have kids that are old enough to help. Sometimes you even have a hard time getting enough time with the baby!

    This will be a blessing, and the docs will be able to make sure things go well uterus-wise. By the way, my first was five weeks early and didn't even need an incubator. I took him home a week after he was born, and by six weeks he was as big and healthy as any of my others.


  162. Anyone as funny as you is obviously a good mom! Motherhood takes a large dose of humor for survival.... Your big kids will be a huge help. You CAN do it! (I just had a baby at 37 too)

  163. Congratulations! That is so very exciting, but obviously overwhelming and terrifying. I don't really know anything about you as a mother, but I will say I think you're wonderful. I know you CAN do it, and like everything else, you will give it your all. I can't wait to hear all the humorous tales that come along with a newborn.

    And you are NOT old.

  164. Anonymous11:43 AM

    And, Sue, even though the last two were unexpected, they were loved just as much as the other seven. You will love yours, too.

  165. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Am I allowed to laugh out loud now?

  166. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Am I allowed to laugh out loud now?

  167. Anonymous11:51 AM

    And you are not 47 with a grandchild, thinking you were in menopause, like I was, so count your blessings!

  168. You will be fine... We had an Accidental baby just last year. I don't know what I would do with out him! Plus the older kids help out tons... and there is the joy and love that he or she will bring to your family. In fact this one is so easy compared to the others I have even contemplated more... Yeah for babies!

  169. congratulations. i believe this pregnancy will provide good blogging content for the future. yay for us!

  170. Congratulations!
    And I have had three high-risk pregnancies that ALL resulted in healthy babies. It's scary but babies are WORTH it.
    Praying for you!

  171. I thought of something else. If you don't like it once it gets here, just list it on ebay. With your genes, it should go for big bucks.

  172. Congratulations! This is big news! I come from a big family too (ten kids) and only have two (which, I waited nine years to do) and I feel like a bad Mormon because I TOTALLY don't fit the mold.

    Just remember, she who has the most kids the fastest DOESN'T WIN.

    She who has the most shoes does!

    You will be great. The Lord will prepare you.


  173. Okay, I'm late to the congratulations party.

    When we found out we were expecting our (SURPRISE!) fourth, we both cried.

    Three was my number. Now I just revise history and say to everyone who will listen, "I always wanted four. An even number is perfect."

    And, Sue? It is.

    Congratulations and take good care of yourself.

  174. Congrats! I'm really excited for you. My mom had a baby at 37 when I was 10, and I really think it kept my parents young. So just tell yourself that. Over and over and over.

  175. So, you've been blindsided and have the jumpsie, wumpsies. Go ahead; you're entitled. Then buckle down and be the great mom you've been so far. Piece of cake. And congratulations to all!!!

  176. Congratulations! Freaking out is fine, and six weeks early is not unusual these days. If you can help it, stop reading about uterine rupture now. (It's really hard, I know, but it will keep you from losing your mind.) And I agree, even numbers of kids are good. I say this coming from a family of five and I was the middle child. Our first was a surprise and I wouldn't undo it for anything.

  177. OMG --you left a message on my blog. You are kinda like the "MOTHER LODE" OF BLOGGING, so I am thrilled actually. THRILLED. But I am not pregnant so there is room for thrilled --ha ha ha. Hey I had 5 kids and even though they are all in therapy, I feel like I was a great mom!! Believe me I understand "accidental babies" 2 of mine fit in that catagory. Seriously however, you are probably stressed but you will be well taken care of. BLEED IT FOR ALL IT'S WORTH.

  178. First off, Congratulations for sure! Most of my friends that age are having kids now so it is totally okay.

    And four kids is great balance. Just to tell you I know what I am talking about......Well...not to reveal too much about myself but lets say...I have at least a half dozen kids! Four is a managable number!

    Have a great day!

  179. Congrats! You'll be great! So happy for you. :-)

  180. Well, congratulations. :) My mom and dad had an oops child, and he's everybody's favorite now. My aunt also had an oops child, only that one came after her youngest child had just entered high school. It was a very father of the bride type of thing. Literally. :)

    You know, if your neighbor has seven, there's a good chance you can just have one or two of yours sneak next door and she probably won't notice until about dinner time. So, you know, you've got options. :)

  181. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Congratulations, it will all be fine, you're a champ, and you have 6 whole months to get used to it.

  182. Congrats!! Our "suprise" number four came after we adopted two kids and spent many years as infertiles (AND we had some birth control..just in case...). OUr last three ended up all just about a year apart.

    I'll tell you a secret, she is the best one!!!

    Also, two of my kids were 32 weekers...you will have a tiny baby, but at that point there is surfactant in the lungs and it is going to be just fine!!

    How exciting!!

  183. I'm the 7th of 9. My mom had me when she was 37. So you have nothing to worry about.
    Congratulations! Good luck! I hope you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. We're all here to support you and read your postings. Feel free to let it all out so I can double and triple check that I am so sure I don't want an accident. Thanks.

  184. Ah, Sue you'll be fabulous. And if you barricade yourself into a shed, just be sure to take your laptop so you can blog about it.

  185. Congratulations!!! You are my hero, even if it's a surprise one. I can't seem to talk myself into more than ONE!!!

  186. ummmm....





    am I even allowed to comment?


  187. Congratulations! I know it probably still feels crazy and stuff, but in the end it'll be okay. My best friend had a surprise baby (she even had an IUD when she got pregnant) and she was totally freaked at first... but it all works out. Here's to a very happy and healthy 9 months to you, and to seeing your new baby and getting into the swing of the new family!

  188. Really Big Congratulations. I know that you are going to do great.

  189. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise hey:)

    Congratulations, you'll survive!

  190. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise hey:)

    Congratulations, you'll survive!

  191. I'm going to go ahead and comment, just in case you make it all the way down to comment #191. Congratulations. Honestly that is wonderful news. My mother was surprised by my arrival at the age of 43. On the child side of things, she was a fabulous mother, just lower key than the other mothers around her. I wouldn't have had it any other way. She may have been lying, but she always said that I kept her from becoming an old woman.

    As far as the number 4 goes, my experience is that the change from 2 to 3 was the hardest, after that it's all good. Plus, you'll have more help this time around. (Your other kids.)

  192. I'm going to go ahead and comment, just in case you make it all the way down to comment #191. Congratulations. Honestly that is wonderful news. My mother was surprised by my arrival at the age of 43. On the child side of things, she was a fabulous mother, just lower key than the other mothers around her. I wouldn't have had it any other way. She may have been lying, but she always said that I kept her from becoming an old woman.

    As far as the number 4 goes, my experience is that the change from 2 to 3 was the hardest, after that it's all good. Plus, you'll have more help this time around. (Your other kids.)

  193. I can't help on the #4 issue, but I can reassure you on the medical one. Because of a surgery to remove a HUUUUUUUUGE uterine fibroid way back at the tender age of 4-days-before-I-was-21, my OBs were concerned about the possibility of uterine rupture as well. As a result, I had early planned c-sections with both kids. Both times there were no problems, the boys were nice and healthy (9 and 8 on the APGAR, respectively), and they were beeeoootiful. Believe me--a c-section baby is far more gorgeous than a natural birth baby, even though all babies are, of course, beyond gorgeous in a mother's eyes. No squished head. As a result, you have baby pictures that even total strangers can really "ooh" and "aah" over without having to find something specific to compliment instead of blurting what they're really thinking (like desperately saying "My! What a lot of hair he has!" instead of "My! What a cone-shaped head and stretched-out face he has! Will he ever be normal?")

    Just a few pieces of advice if you haven't had a c-section before:

    1. After the surgery, don't forget to adjust your position in bed from time to time. If you stay in the same place for too long, you will SUFFER. Trust me. And not all medical personnel think about telling you this.

    2. Despite the pain, take the nurses' advice and start walking as soon as you can. It will help. Even though you may want to collapse sobbing and kill whoever comes near you the first time. It gets better.

    3. A "boppy" pillow is your absolute best friend. It is to the c-section recoveree what the friendly rubber donut is to the natural birth recoveree, especially when holding the baby.

    4. Enjoy the Tylenol-3! (I got Vicodin after the original surgery, but there was no baby to worry about then. Sigh. The sacrifices we make.)

    5. You may not be able to hold the agonizing hours of labor over this child's head one day, but you WILL be able to talk about being cut wide open so he/she could be hauled out of your body. Make it nice and gory in the details (the reality isn't so bad, especially since you don't actually see what's going on).

  194. Thirty seven? Thirty SEVEN? I could only have wished to be that young when I found out I was pregnant with my FIFTH! They had to escort me out of the OB/GYN office I was sobbing so hard.

    All after hearing my husband was going to be spending months working in Australia, Europe, and Thailand.

    So, instead of joining him to travel like we had talked about when #4 was in the first grade, I got to spend quality time with the likes of a lactation specialist, and playgroup with a bunch of cute spry 20 somethings who had perky boobs and no bags under their eyes!

    I am well past that and of course I quit sobbing.

    Last year.

    Just joking. Good luck and it will all be fine.


    You can practice your snarkiness with all those rude people in check out lines who make dumb remarks about your baby boy looking like their grand-daughter.

    Congratulations. That I mean with the sincerest of hears.

  195. Congrats...you'll do great!! (and 37 isn't old:) )

  196. AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I step away from my blog reading for two days, and come back to amazing news!


    Hey... it could be worse... my best friends also thought she was done, but is now due in May. There will be 15 YEARS between her two youngest. Yes, I said **15**.


  197. So I was 39,a busy theatre costume designer, mother of 3 teenagers and found myself "accidently" pregnant. I did not want to take a step backward. I went to therapy-once-then I told myself to get it together. It's 16 years later. He's a great kid and I'm a better mom the second time around.

  198. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Look how many people think this is great news. :) Maybe they will babysit for you!


  199. WOW!! Soooooo many comments and sooooo little time!

    Congrats---you will be ok---I had my last one at almost 44, so I don't want to hear about it...

    I still can't get over how many comments that you have----LUCKY YOU!

    Count your blessings, my dear. :)

  200. Wowowowow! Congratulations.

    I think I will go buy some contraception now.

    Kidding! :)
