Saturday, November 29, 2008

I Would Just Twitter This If I Actually Used Twitter

What I Am Doing Right Now: Sitting in my car in the parking lot of an AT&T store in Las Vegas where there is free wireless, using the internet and despairing over the pages I need to submit to the agent by Monday, wondering why I ever thought I was anything other than a total hack.

A friend once told me that when she reads my blog she gets a mental picture of me running around like a chicken with my head cut-off, all scattered and ditzy, getting into trouble just like Cathy the cartoon character, all "ACK" and "ARG" and "BLECK" and all I can say to that is yeah, pretty much.


  1. Nice make shift tweet! Good luck. And for the record I do not picture Kathy, she has talking bubbles over her head all the time, not blog posts.

  2. I think you're way busier (that's a word) than Cathy. You're like your very own television show- hopping on one foot while putting your shoe on and jumping in the car at the same time. Stuff like that. It would be a highly entertaining show.

    I'm sorry your head is always cut off. I hope you can catch a break soonly.

  3. Why didn't I invite you?


    Sheesh...and I was feeling all guilty. No more.

  4. You are much funnier than Cathy the cartoon character. And you are a total hack - just hack your way onto the bestseller list now, okay?

    My picture of you when I read your blog is of a giggler, the type that makes everyone around her laugh because she is laughing - and the worst things get, the gigglier you get.

    Which is good, of course...

  5. And I can show you how to Twitter. I've got it now.

    Want some candy, little girl?

  6. hey, for what it is worth, you are not alone in your madness. we are cheering you on. GO GIRL>. ♥

  7. Anonymous12:33 PM

    One thing I love about your writing style is that it sounds very fresh and lively; very thinking-out-loud. (Also, of course, funny.) And I would imagine that when so much that's out there is very ponderous and overthought (well of course there is underthought stuff, too, I guess there is plenty of wretched stuff of all types) it could be easy to start second-guessing yourself and editing out all the liveliness. (I'm assuming here that what you're submitting is at all like My Super Hopeless Romance.) Anyway I guess I'm just trying to do a little cheerleading and say that I bet what you have is better than it seems like it is when you think too hard about it.

    Good luck!

  8. Editors/agents like it when you submit stuff they can give you "advice" on how to fix it up. Makes them feel useful. So don't worry, just get it in so you can move on!

  9. I just ate four fig newtons in a fit of rage over the fact that the zipper snapped off my daughter's only winter jacket.

    You think you've got problems.

    I'm moving on to the leftover halloween candy now.


  10. Very funny image (Cathy). Okay, this is what I learned in my writing critique group: when you feel like you are just a hack, some kind of imitator and worthless, then you know you are really a writer, because all writers feel that way. At least that's what some people say.
    YOU. ARE. TALENTED. Getting an agent to say they want to see your work is HUGE. Go for it, have fun and good luck!

  11. But you do it so well it must be a good thing!

  12. We're all cheering for you!

    My advice? Don't overthink it. Let your creative genius juices flow.

    That actually sounds kind of gross, when I think of it.

    Just go with it. Goooooooooo Sue!

  13. You are not a hack! I love the things you write. I know I am not the only one. You CAN do it Sue, because you are awesome! GOOD LUCK!

  14. Anonymous2:49 PM

    And this is why we love you! You ARE like us... we just have you on this pedestal of humor and blogginess.

  15. Hey, who doesn't love Cathy?

    I love Cathy BECAUSE she's all ACK! and BLEARGH! and BLLEEECK!

    Sorry that last one sounded more like a Star Trek character. My point is that you are awesome. Plus, I almost feel like I know you personally because of the whole rival high school thing.

  16. Ah, that I could be as fine a hack as thou art.

  17. Umm, hello literary GOLD. That's what you are.

  18. You're obviously an astonishly talented writer, unlike Cathy. And you have better hair.

  19. Don't despair! I'm sure you will send the exact right pages that will dazzle the agent and get you what you dream of.

  20. I love twitter. I also would love the internet on my phone so I could twitter whenever the heck I wanted to.

    Good luck with it. You'll do great, your an amazing writer. That's why you have hundreds of people every day coming to read your stuff.

  21. Anonymous9:01 PM

    That is so cool. Just really, really cool. Congratulations! You can do this.

  22. I'm still trying not to be jealous. And you are awesome!

  23. I bet you look way better with the sweat drops than she does. ;)

    Oh I think you should Twitter. I don't have it totally figured out but I think you have enough stalkers that want to know what are you doing right now?

    You're not a hack - you are brilliant.

  24. Stop it!! You're not a hack!

  25. Hang in there! I'm glad I'm not the only one who behaves that way.

  26. If only I had a teeny bit of your writing talent....

    Seriously, you are an amazing writer and so not a hack! Remember we're all behind you.

  27. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Not a hack. People love you! You are Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant! (I know how much you love comments and being told you're brilliant, so I'm trying to help you out here...) and I'm not just brown nosing, cuz really? What would I get out of it?

  28. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Wow. Well, it's past Monday, what does that mean for your stuff? Can't wait to find out if you met your deadline.

    It would be very fun if you joined Twitter. VERY FUN. If you do, I'm @SomethingGirl.

  29. And...?

    How'd it go?

  30. SO how did it go? Did everything get submitted? Did you hear yet?
    I'm on pins and needles here.

  31. Hey, I'd read your stuff! At least, unless you are doing some sort of ultra-serious "great American novel" sort of thing, which is what people think I must love to read because I'm an English teacher and so they give those to me as gifts and I have to pretend I'm pleased. 'Cause many of those? Not so fun to read.

    I also tagged you, as if you have any time, in a mommy-related theme that is absolutely open to humor and creativity at

  32. Just looked at the title

    "It's all abt me,me...." That was so funny. LOL

  33. You are NOT a hack. You're going to totally rock this.

  34. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Well I wasn't going to comment, because I'm typically a creepy lurker on most blogs for multiple reasons:

    (a) I am not yet cool enough to have a blog & feel like it's weird that you can't return the creep on my blog.
    (b) I never have anything cool to add to the other comments.
    (c) I wonder if stupid, pointless comments frustrate bloggers.

    ..but then I saw your whole section on "comment so I'll be happy" thing & I just had to do it.

    [Huh. Maybe my long-winded-ness should be another reason]

    I love your blog. You are cool & funny. I might start a blog. I love(d?) My Super Hopeless Romance (is that a no-no topic now?..[awkward silence?]..)

    Anyways. Thanks for the laughs & I'll continue reading & commenting.

  35. Well, you can comfort yourself that you don't have enormous globs of sweat shooting off your body every time you are stressed (I think one of Cathy's globs could fill an entire glass). Because, yucky. See, isn't that comforting?
