Monday, November 03, 2008

Crocodile Tears

A few nights ago my husband and I had a bit of a spat - one that was mostly my fault. He left and I stomped around the house muttering to myself for a while. I threw myself down on the couch and started flipping channels and eventually stumbled onto Titanic - the part right after they've hit the iceberg and it's all starting to hit the fan.

I'm not a huge fan of Titanic - I mostly just like the excitement of the ship sinking and the ensuing fight for survival, but near the end I always get misty (when that mother is reading to her children inside the sinking ship it kills me every time).

By the time my husband wandered back in an hour later Jack was already frozen. We did that thing married people do after a fight where you sort of glance at the other person to see if they are looking at you, and to see if they look sorry, or mad, or neutral.

He looked like he was tired of arguing, so I choked out an "I'm sorry," through my tears. The tears sealed it, and he came over and sat down next to me and gave me a big hug. I hugged him back and sniffled a little.

We sat there for a minute and I watched as old lady Rose tossed her diamond into the sea. (So dumb - give it to a charity or something Rose. Sheesh.) My husband looked at me, then back at the TV suspiciously.

"Wait a minute. Did you apologize because you were sorry or because Jack just died and you needed a hug?"

DANG it. He knows me all too well.

PS: Work allowing, I'll be announcing the entries that will be included in the NieNie book at the end of the week.
PPS: Please check out my friend Annie's latest project: Project Twilight


  1. i'm guessing it's too late to submit...will there be a nie nie book part 2?

  2. I hate when networks show that movie. You HAVE to watch it, but you always regret it at the end....

  3. The old couple embracing on the bed is what gets me. But having a sad movie on hand to get out of apologizing first with crocodile tears (I'm stubborn like that) is a good idea...

  4. My husband and I were in a three day fight, until I watched Juno - then I needed someone to hold me, so I apologized. I'm dumb like that.

  5. My husband can't take the part where the musicians go down with the ship, because he's a musician.

    And yeah, I kind of hate that old lady for throwing the necklace away.

    Stupid Rose doesn't learn one stupid thing in that movie.

    But I cry.

    Just not for Rose.

  6. I thought for SURE you would say that part "I'll Never LET GO JACK" and then unclenches her hand from his...

    Anyway...just wanted to say for the record...I love you too!!! :)

    I am always finding myself saying "sorry" first...and then he comes and hugs me...

    But...I suck at staying mad for very I guess that will always be the way it is! But that is too funny he knows you like that! :)

  7. I wanted her to leave the diamond and toss herself in the sea. Did I mention that I hated that movie?

  8. I admit it.... I have always wanted to have a comment in the top ten... so I forgot to read the whole thing, but I will go back now and find out about the spat.

    I hope all is well with you :)

  9. Titanic is the perfect film. It includes romance, it's a true story mixed with fiction and on top of that it has amazing special effects.

    It touched everyone in some way.

    And it also was the reason Sue needed a hug. She got it. Then her husband realized what had happened.


  10. Ahhh the great Titanic. So sad that story is.

    Why does the boat always have to sink? More importantly one might ask, why the freak can't Jack and Rose figure out how to balance on that dumb door?

    AGHHHHHH... I always watch that point and shout... come on you dummy... you can balance on the dumb door together.

    Then he becomes a Jacksicle.

    So dumb.

  11. DANG it, I just accidentally rejected 18 comments.

    Apparently I am not a very good comment moderator. Pllllbt.

  12. Okay, never seen the movie. But *definitely* been in that fight.

    It's good to say sorry if it leads DIRECTLY to the hug. It's good to check the expression and body language to make sure the sorry will work out.

    As usual, you crack me up!

  13. I've never watched "Titanic" and never will. I don't care if you reject my comment because of my brazen anti-Titanicness.

    (But, please, don't.)

  14. I need to remember that trick. I am notoriously unwilling to relent after an arguement. Having a soppy movie around to make me cry is a good idea--I would have to keep it at the part where the mom reads to her children because that is really the only part of the movie that makes me sad--oh, and the part where the dad of those very same kids is trying to find a way out for them. Gives me nightmares!

  15. This is me sending all sorts of love your way, thanks Sue.

  16. Kate Winslet and Leo Decaprio just did not look right together. She's beautiful, but he's so scrawny - she looked too mature for him.

    There are some movies when they are on cable that I always say, I'm not watching that one again, and then I always watch it again. Like Castaway. Every. single. time.

  17. My husband is always the one to crack first - he's so sweet!

    Hated Titanic! Doomed love stories are dumb. Actually, I'm not sure I ever saw the whole thing, start to finish.

  18. sue! MY husband and i had a bit of a spat last night and i went into our room and flipping through the channels, found titanic!

    i didn't watch it. but still.

  19. also, i have to say that i love that you used the term "crocodile tears" correctly. so many times people say that and it seems they use it to just describe really big tears.

  20. That was one soundtrack I couldn't take - they played it for. ever.

    Glad you made up - all I have to do is look at my husband and I cannot keep my resolve to stay mad, I sorta hate that.

  21. We're twinners. The mom reading to her kids part gets me everytime too. Also, my husband would have thought the same thing. Leave it to T.V. to soften our hearts.

  22. Ha Ha Ha HA HA! Busted! Too cute.

    I adore that movie but I end up crying through half of it :-)

  23. I am going to keep that trick in mind. It would have been handy last night.

  24. I'll never let go Sue, I'll never let go. I had some crocodile tears on Friday night when I was all dressed up and ready to go and then my husband announced he doesn't want to go to the party. The tears worked and we went. Sometimes we just need a little help.

  25. Well... I wasn't tricking him on PURPOSE - I'm not big on emotional manipulation (not that you're saying anything like that - just wanted to clarify). It just happened to work out for me that time :)

  26. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Did you ever notice that at the end of the movie, it kind of looks like she breaks off his frozen hand? No really - when she says she'll never let go, she's holding his hand, and it's visible in the frame. But when they cut to see him sinking under the water, he's WAY down there already. So it looks a little like he must have left his hand behind.

    Yeah. Someone pointed that out to me, and now every time I see that scene I start giggling. I'm mature like that.


  27. "I'm not a huge fan of Titanic - I mostly just like the excitement of the ship sinking and the ensuing fight for survival, but near the end I always get misty (when that mother is reading to her children inside the sinking ship it kills me every time)."


  28. Oh my heck - I have DONE that!

    Annie t-shirts rock my world.

  29. Whenever my husband sees me crying he calls the WHAmbulance, so don't take those hugs for granted.

  30. That is priceless! That he knows you so well, I mean. :)

  31. Bwahahaha! I'm sorry but that was funny you got busted.

  32. You're so funny! I don't really care for that movie either, but the mom and kids part does get me, too.

  33. The mom reading to her kids and when that little boy is screaming at the end of the hallway are what get me. Friggin movie execs playing on my maternal instincts.

  34. I just want to say, you are genius! I linked to your Hopeless romance blog from wendy' great! My roommate and i sat on the couch all Sunday morning and read the whole thing. More warm fuzzies I say!

  35. Oh em gee! K, i just have to start by saying that I haven't even read this post. I'm in October. I found your blog from a good friend of mine. Maybe you've heard of her? Cordy. (you naughty, little, fictional blogging, VIXEN, you!) (I'm the one that emailed you BEGGING you to let me read your blog when you/she went private by accident. And then emailed you again telling you/her not to rush into getting married bc there are worse things than pre-marital sex...heehee. Um probably not my best advice.) So when I tell you I'm in October I mean I started reading your blog from the beginning and now I'm in Oct. '08. Kinda sad, really. It's like coming to the end of a really good novel. SORRY!! I've gone on waaaay too long!
    Just wanted to say I'm LOVING your blog! I'm even kind of loving a totally platonic, non-weird (not that there's anything wrong with that) way...unless you're into it.

  36. i'm never the first to say sorry

    it's probably the worst quality i have

    my poor hub...

  37. That is so funny!

    And for the record, I totally LOVE that she threw it into the ocean. My mission companion and friend threw her chintzy engagement ring into the canal when her "fiance" sent her a Dear Jane. I totally supported that move too, although her "rock" was a lot LOT smaller than Miss Rose's.

  38. Funny! :-)

    I hate Titanic. It always ends the same way. They never get rescued no matter how many times that ship sinks :-) Seriously, though Lonardo diCaprio is overrated and he annoys me so it gets in the way of me enjoying the movie. I have to think of another movie for making up. Your idea of a sappy movie to get a make up hug is pretty clever.

  39. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Just came here to tell you that I am loving the new Cordy additions -- in particular the first one after the big reveal was very very amusing. So that's what I came here to say, but when I got here and found a new post to read, then: bonus.

    *Misty*? I've only watched Titanic once (on video, so as to fast-forward past the hand-on-steamy-window scene (I guess I might as well have watched it since I can imagine that scene well enough (or maybe it's even worse in my imagination) but anyway fast-forwarding was my gesture towards decency) and anyway at the end of the movie I wept and wept and wept. NOT because of dumb Rose and Jack, but because whether or not those exact scenes happened, HELLO, the Titanic really did go down. A lot of people died. Yeah, it was a long time ago, but, still. SAD.

    Oh, and I'm glad you guys have spats sometimes; makes me feel a little better about my marriage. (Glad the movie helped you make up, too, of course.)

  40. Anonymous11:14 PM

    (Oh -- not to imply that my husband and I ever have spats . . . )

  41. Thanks for the laugh. It's so true...

  42. done. now i seriously AM going to sleep. cause, like, kids have SCHOOL in 4 hours! ack!

  43. Oh and PS...I'm a cancer survivor so if you do decide to go the route of your new idea I'm totally here for you!

  44. I'm so right there with you!

  45. love that. And I agree Rose is messed up to be tossing that rock into the ocean where it won't do anyone one bit of good.

  46. While reading I was thinking, my husband would have totally suspected my tears were from the dumb show. It gets me every time.

  47. So true! Nothing like a sappy romance to get me out of my post-fight funk every time. Or else a good episode of House Hunters International will do the trick. (p.s. I'm cheating and leaving a comment for your Obama post here. But don't freak. It's a good one. I AGREE WITH YOU 100%! See, that wasn't so bad, was it?)

  48. I would have so turned it when he walked in! ha

  49. You know what? I have never seen Titanic.... well, I watched the first little bit and then I wandered away. My heart is made of black, black coal.

  50. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I thought the same thing about the diamond!! It's the one thing that bugged me most about the movie. Swearing? Ehn. Death of lower class people? Well, that sucks. Sex? Nope-- don't have a problem with that. But throwing the freakin' diamond into the ocean? COME ON. Like I'm supposed to tolerate that.

  51. But was he amused enough that he laughed it off?
