Monday, July 28, 2008


We're dealing with Things this week.

There have been Workplace Injuries, which required Special Conversations with Very Important Officials and even a consultation with an attorney to make sure that Things Are Being Handled Correctly.

The people who are masquerading as doctors tell us that the injuries are Possibly Severe and Life Altering, but also Possibly Not Severe and Life Altering, and that really, it All Just Kind of Depends - on whether or not you consider things like running, and hiking, and bending over, and picking stuff up, and oh, I don't know, being able to perform the normal functions of police work an essential part of life.

I hate it when my life involves so many capital letters.

I'm hundreds of miles away from where all of these Things are taking place, so I'm mostly trying not to think about it - trying not to fret and stew over What It Means. Luckily, I'm incredibly busy right now, between my kids and the five tons of freelance work that's popped up over the last few weeks.

If you ran into me at Target or something, unless you're my mother or my husband I doubt you would know anything was wrong. I've become compulsive about looking on the bright side, and I'm not sure if it's because a) it really does make me feel better, or b) I feel like it ought to make me feel better, or because c) YAY, denial!

But the truth is, I'm kind of tired of Overcoming Challenges in a Positive Way. I'd rather just - coast along on the Lazy River of Being in a Nice, Calm, Boring Rut. Sign me up for some of that, please.

P.S. It IS possible to gain ten pounds in two weeks. In case you were wondering.

P.P.S. It's cracking me up that in the Amazon ad on my blog (scroll down on the right hand side), the showcased books are all by Stephenie Meyer. Apparently Amazon has determined that the readers of this blog LOVE Twilight. :>


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Looking at the bright side is sometimes the only way to keep from going crazy.

  2. I already knew it was possible.

    I vote for looking on the bright side being pretty much the only way to handle things without making them worse. Good luck with it.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Holy crow girl. The hits just keep on coming, don't they. Ugh.

  4. I wasn't wondering - I knew that already. I hope your husband's okay!

  5. Been there done that with the 10 pounds thing.

    I hope your husband is o.k. and trying to stay positive and lots of prayer will make you feel less helpless.

  6. So sorry.

    What else is there to say? Besides of course that you are awesome and also fabulous at titles. Keep paddling.

  7. ah man, life really sucks sometimes. Boo on the workplace injury. I hope it gets resolved and the whole "life changing" part of it isn't so much.

    I'm with you on the whole gain 10 lbs thing. Don't I know it sister.

  8. I hope your husband gets better. that can be so stressful.

  9. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I already knew that 10 pounds in 2 weeks possibility! As for the lazy river...join me, it's much nicer over here...that positive junk just is too much work!

  10. No advice here, 'cause I haven't gone through half the crap you have so really? I know nothing.

    Praying for you though. I really am and not just saying that because it sounds nice.

  11. Anonymous4:11 PM

    downside: You're up sh!t creek.
    upside: at least you got a boat.

  12. Having been through a little bit of junk in my own life (who hasn't?), sometimes "looking on the bright side" and handling things in a "positive way" seemed to make things worse - it began to feel like another thing I wasn't doing well. (By golly, I wasn't even good at looking on the bright side!!!!)

    It actually helped to feel bad for a little while, i.e. wallow for a limited pre-set amount of time, acknowledge that some crappy things were going on. And then it seemed easier, and more genuine, to look again at the bright side, make my "thankful list", etc. Sounds corny, but it helped...

    You're in my prayers tonight.

  13. Ugh. I really, really hope that the Life Changing Events are not so Life Changing. I think your family deserves a break right now. That could even include taking a break from the happy river and lounging for awhile on the river of denial.

    I like what Grumpy Momma had to say. Sometimes you wallow, scream, cry and rant and then you can actually plunge back in. Hang in there. . .

  14. Maybe one of the Things could result in a Large Settlement, which may help get to that boring rut bit.

    I hope the impostor doctors soon discover the seriousness of the injury. Not knowing makes it worse (or it does for me).

    P.S. Screw the bright side. You're way past the point where you're entitled to whine and moan and take some anger out on a poor unsuspecting pillow.

  15. In between thinking, "Man, she's got it rough," and "poor thing," I'm also going, "GREAT use of caps! I TOLD her so!" :D

  16. I don't know if I've ever posted on your blog. I'm a long time lurker. I love your phone post.

    Forget the bright side. I recently wrote a post on the value of being real. Be real. It's better. So sorry you guys are going through more crap.

  17. (I was wondering what Annette would have to say about all those capitals.)

    I am so sorry. I hope your husband is OK. Denial is a marvelous state of mind. It certainly beats snapping and being placed in a mental institution. (Actually I'm just guessing about the mental institution, because for all I know they could be charming little getaways.)

    I am so with you on boring. Boring is the best. I've experienced eventful and boring wins hands-down!

    Prayers and love. Consider them sent.

  18. Wait... your husband's a cop?

    Somehow I just never pictured that.

    But what I really mean is... hope you Do get to that boring rut type life POST HASTE.

  19. Anonymous6:01 PM

    My mantra these past few weeks has been "This too shall pass". Say it a few times. At first it sounds ridiculous (how could this ever PASS??? Are they kidding me?!?!) and then it kind of grows on ya. Prayers for your situation.

  20. I like Tammy's mantra. And although I am sorry about the PS, it also made me crack up.

  21. Anonymous6:26 PM

    dude. i hear ya on the 10 pounds!! (two weeks on, two years to take off.) looking on the bright side can get pretty exhausting (and annoying), but you seem to have had some strokes of good luck with all the bad, so maybe you are a professional optimist?! ;)

  22. I admire you for looking at the positive. Especially with the 10 lb weight gain. I feel your pain!
    The whole Pollyanna thing can, at times be exausting.

  23. I've had a rough couple of years, too, so I hear ya. And where is that Lazy River of Being in a Nice, Calm, Boring Rut anyway? I've heard about it, always wanted to go there, but nobody I know seems to know where it is. Bummer.

  24. Anonymous7:23 PM

    p.s. i just wolfed three (COUNT 'EM!) cupcakes after reading your post... your stress must be affecting MY eating habits-- i'm catching up to you! (on the scale, i mean)

  25. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I recommend a massage. Or at the very least; a hot bath, candles, and wine.

  26. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I'm sorry to hear of all this stress and undue trouble. I certainly can relate. One, on the part about keeping a bright outlook: my husband is the best person at this in the world and I've tried to learn this throughout the years. But honestly, sometimes I'd really like to just complain and whine and cry for someone to make It all go away! lol
    Also, on the stress and b.s. piling up at the last time in the world that it's needed: oh yes, I know about that! We have had one thing after another lately and boy oh boy could I use a reprieve! My husband has sustained such injuries, etc., etc. And I don't know about the rest of y'all, but summer drives me nuts - I can't wait for my girls' school to start! I've had about all I can take... 2 weeks and counting! Good luck with all this stuff and hope the tables turn for you, and soon!

  27. Actually, it's possible to gain ten pounds in one week. Two words.......Homemade Fudge.

    I hope your husband is OK.
    Here's wishing you a motor for that boat.

  28. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Sounds like you need a pick me up. Here's a great one: Go pick up a copy of the book "The North Beach Diet." North Beach not South Beach. It'll make you feel so much better about the 10 lbs. It's awesome!

    I know how hard it is to be living in one place and have hubby working in another (Hundreds of miles away!). We did it for two years.

    Hang in there!!

  29. I was thinking about you and your family today and wondered how things were going. It sounds like things have been so stressful. AAARGGH! I just want you guys to get a break from all this craziness. You are in our prayers.
    Love you guys!

  30. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Sue, I think the Amazon ad shows different books, depending on the viewer has bought from them. For me the ad is all about children's books like "Mrs. Wishy-Washy," farmers, and ladybugs. It depends on what you buy from them. They must think YOU love the Twilight books!

  31. Anonymous9:02 PM

    i'm so sorry. i know what you mean, sometimes i just want to scream, 'this isn't FAIR!'


    wish there was something i could do or say that would be helpful.

  32. Anonymous9:23 PM


  33. Anonymous9:27 PM

    p.s. I have a confession to make. Haven't read her. Not one word. I may have made an effort to at least try a chapter or two, but I'm still completely creeped out by the all-night release party for the last book.


  34. Anonymous9:27 PM

    p.s. I have a confession to make. Haven't read her. Not one word. I may have made an effort to at least try a chapter or two, but I'm still completely creeped out by the all-night release party for the last book.


  35. I'm so sorry! I hope that everything works out!

    Denial is a great place to live. It is how I stay sane...

  36. I'm sorry about all the crap.

    But, if you find the class could you sign me up too?

    Oh, and am I the only one who really doesn't GET that book? Read the first and the second. Just so don't get it.

  37. Yeah, the bright side sucks sometimes. Put the kids to bed and have a good cry. But tomorrow you ought to get back on the bright side, it is the best way.

  38. Praying all is well with your sweetheart.

  39. Oh dear! So sorry.

    Just when I think it's safe to take you off a prayer list you throw one at me. (tee hee)

    Hope all of you are doing okay.

  40. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I don't look on the bright side or the non-bright side. I just get through it. I don't think about the trial, I just do what has to be done at that moment, or what can be done. Sometimes things can't be cheery, but they can ALWAYS be manageable, right?? Eventually?

  41. I knew the stress in my life was overwhelming when I daydreamed about having a boring job as a receptionist who did nothing but answer phones all day.

    Hope the Week of Capitol Letters gets boring really fast.

  42. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Ick. I'm so sorry. I hate it when Life is all Capital Letters myself (and I love that way of putting it!).
    Here's to some much-deserved boredom! I hope all is well, and that the Injuries are Not Severe or Life Altering after all.

  43. Good luck with everything. I hope it works out. I will try not to die from withdrawals.

  44. Hang in there.
    Dealing With Things really stinks.
    So sorry.

  45. Weeks With All Capital Letters = Gag Me With a Pitch-fork!

    My advice?
    Chocolate and lots of it! You need the good stuff. Want me to send you some? You could wallow in it, and take a bath in it and then you would feel all better. Sticky, but better!

    Here's to The Boring Life being right around the corner!

  46. The bright side can suck it sometimes. Be sure to tell the bright side I said that.
    Good luck lady.

  47. hey, I just blogged about a stupid mom moment I recently experienced, but I have to say this is making me feel better. Thanks a ton for sharing, and I VERY sincerely wish you luck with your THINGS. I hate THINGS.

  48. Oh man, one of these days you're going to look back on this year and...laugh? cry? marvel at your strength? I'm so sorry you're dealing with yet another curve ball. Hang in there!

  49. It really does seem to be "raining" in your neck of the woods lately. I hope the injuries to whomever you are referring to heal well without any long-lasting complications and life goes on NORMALLY. HUGS

  50. I'm sorry to hear things aren't as sunshiny as they should be. I hope everything gets resolved well and quickly.

  51. I'm sorry you're going through a rough time. Hang on.

  52. enjoy your vacation and hurry back.

    PS: I've left you an award.

  53. Oh, man!!
    I hope things get better soon. In fact I hope things already got better and you're out celebrating!
