Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Comment Requested

I want to make a comment box to hang around my neck and take to parties. And after I meet someone new, after we’ve talked and laughed and parted ways, I will request a comment.

If you think about it, a comment box would clear up so many things - Did they like me? Do they want to be friends? Did they think I was boring or dorky or dumb?

After they leave a comment for me, I could send one back to them, getting right to the point (not just dancing around it) - “Oh, me too,” “Yes, I’d love to be friends, I’m so glad you asked,” “I thought you were hilarious, it was so nice to meet you,” “What you said really touched me - I think you are wonderful.”

Then armed with the evidence of mutual good feelings, we'd skip the waiting period, move past the small talk and the pretend reason to call, and dive right into friendship.


  1. Wouldn't if be nice if life were that simple?

  2. I think I'd skip the comment box, I am truly afraid that my comments would be "actually, you are a dork, I wasn't laughing at your jokes, but rather your shoes. Get a clue."
    There are some things I'd just rather not know.

  3. Oh that is a wonderful thought. It would be nice to be able to read other's comments like that.

    And skipping ahead right to friendship would be nice, too. Much more relaxed that way.


    I once made let's-be-friends overtures to someone who responded in a panic that she didn't like women IN THAT WAY. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all, but it SO wasn't what I meant. I have been traumatized about making friend overtures ever since, because clearly, I was going about it ALL WRONG.

    A comment box would totally solve my problem.

  5. O yeah, I love that. Do you want to be my friend? Check yes or no in the comment box!

  6. It'd be nice, that's for sure.

  7. You're a genius.

  8. oh, but I love the fake reason to call dance.

  9. Would that things were that simple in 'real' life. Without all the catty little 'sizing up' that women seem to do to each other, often overlooking great friendships on an initial impression.

    You have a really beautiful family, Sue. I love all your header pics...and can't decide which is my fave. They're all darling.

  10. Yeah, I'd have to keep my brothers away from the comment box or it would be full of things like, "YOU SUCK," or "WHO FARTED?"

    Now see, Seven, that's why I need a comment box. No-one ever says tihngs like that to me in real life. Probably because there is far too much evidence to the contrary.

    EM - oh man, that would scar me for life. FOR LIFE. Eeeek.

  11. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I love your idea. Why can't making friends be as easy as it was in kindergarten?

    Like happygeek I'm afraid of what people really think and would say. I would add a condition that if you don't have anything nice to say then keep it to yourself. After that feel free to comment away.

    But seriously, who wouldn't want to be your friend. Your amazing.

  12. Becky - thank you! I obviously think they are pretty nifty, if only that large blonde woman would move out of focus ;>

    Monica - Let's see, the entire graduating class of Bonanza High School, snicker snicker... But thank you, that's really nice of you to say.

  13. How do you always read my mind and steal my posts? You have post ESP. Oh well, I'll just post it in the future and then any signs of ripping you off will have been forgotten.

    But I so agree. I went to a party of sorts last week and left wondering, "Do I get to call these girls my friends now? Can I sit by them in church? Was I too loud? Did I say too much? DO THEY LIKE ME?"

  14. Wouldn't that be interesting at church?

  15. Wow - combine your idea with mine of being able to hyperlink in real conversations, and things could get pretty weird, right?

  16. If only I had the guts to actually do that! For me it would be more like "Please leave a comment...or don't...I totally understand...It's not like I really meant it... Okay, let's just forget I ever mentioned it." Ad then there'd be that awkward silence and the no eye contact until finally they'd say in that fake friendly voice "Oh hey, there so-and-so I need to go talk to. See you at church!"

    Wow, I didn't realize I had such friend-making issues!

  17. When you make this box, please send me one. I hate all that insecurity and 'she likes me, she likes me not,' stuff. I'm all for skipping small talk. It's too draining to sit through awkward silences never knowing if you can say what's on your mind or if they'll think you're crazy.

    Brilliant idea!

  18. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Yes! That's why I feel so close to everyone here. It matters not what you look like, or who you know. Not how much money you make, or whether you're "pretty". It only matters that you're open and honest.

  19. Y/N
    ____ do you like me?
    ____ am i a dork?
    ____ will you be my friend?

    I want one of your boxes... it would totally save me SO much stress!
    AND holy cannoli batman! Your blog header ROCKS!

  20. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I think I could go for your idea if the comment card had a list of only positive things with the direction to "check all that apply".

    I've been reading through some of your posts, and I think you are delightful and very funny.

  21. why is it we are so much more open in a comment box? I will tell you here how amazing I think you are and how I wish we could hang out.

    In person, I would totally tense up and probably just say "hey".

  22. Great Idea!

    Let me know how it works. If it goes well for you, I'm definitely considering it.

  23. This seriously cracked me up. I mean, how true is that. I'm not sure I could take critisim in real life though :-)

  24. Oh, man... That SO sounds like something totally worthwhile!

    I would LOVE IT if it were this easy! 'Skip the waiting period...'

    Brilliant! :D

  25. You should patent this idea before Goggle steals it.

    I have a new "kinda" friend, too, who I feel like I need to have a legitimate reason to actually call her...a comment box would so help right now. Then I'd know if she was just tolerating me.

  26. Good idea! Making new friends is so much like dating. Did dhe like me? Will she call? LOL

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. That really would makes things soooo much easier.

  29. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Unfortunately, the "meeting-greeting" thing doesn't improve with age, either; but I understand in the afterlife we can communicate by just thinking. I'm not sure how that is going to go over......"I see you looking at me and evaluating the size of my angel wings...and you are still the idiot that sat behind me in fourth grade..." Hmm, a comment box in heaven?

  30. This made me smile. I like the skipping ahead to friendship idea a lot.

  31. BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Great idea!
    If everyone had a comment box around their neck, then I could write something down, look at it, read through it a few times, decide if it sounds dorky, or if I'm going to sound like a total idiot, edit it as necessary, and then leave it when I feel that it's perfect.
    Wow, no more wondering for days if I've offended someone, of said something so incredibly stupid that I could never shoe my face in public again............

  33. Make that "show" my face in public.

    The comment boxes need to have spell check.

  34. That idea is genius.

  35. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Yeah. I've never been able to figure it out - how you get to the next step in a friendship. All my friends are people who reached out to me and took the initiative, otherwise I would have no friends at all.

    I have a LOT of casual friends and acquaintences, but I have very few really close friends.

  36. You rock!! I just love reading your posts, they are so interesting and hilarious. Except for the, you know, heartwarming ones, and well they rock too!

  37. Well I think you are wonderful and would love to be your friend. Since this is in bloggy world you won't realize just how dorky I am and am shunned by all who know me. Wait! Now you're thinking why would I want a dork for a friend? Um, er, well I really do like your blog and um, I'll try to keep my dork level at a lower level - lower than this anyway. *snort* :)

  38. Totally! A couple months ago I was going to post about my idea for a "friend questionnaire." Kind of like those surveys you get after you stay in a hotel. "Rate your experience 1-10."

    It would make life so much easier! I would be a bit afraid of bad comments, as happygeek mentioned, but it would be such a relief to know what to work on. I'm annoying, I'm a know-it-all, I'm boring... okay, at least I'd know what to avoid in the future.

  39. I've started saying the things I usually just think when I hang out with people. They tend to look pleased/disturbed by my frankness.
