Monday, February 04, 2008

Things That Suck

Having a co-worker who feels the need to one-up. About EVERYTHING. (You had 16 inches of snow yesterday? She had 16 and a half. You once had a kidney stone? She had twelve.)

Sitting in a cubicle. Seriously. Kill me. KILL ME. Give me a window or kill me.

Listening to people you barely know talk at length about intestinal blockage.

Waiting in line to use a microwave.

Sitting through what was supposed to be a two hour meeting (the whole reason you came into the office in the first place) as it is continually sidetracked, sidetracked, sidetracked.

Trying not to roll your eyes when people stir up drama over totally inconsequential things. I don't care who got a new chair. My chair is fine. Your chair is fine. SHUT UP so that we can end this freaking meeting.

Trying not to scream as the planning meeting degenerates into a fairly intense discussion about strategies for developing good support teams in order to improve your World of Warcraft score.

Having a 20 minute drive take 45 minutes because you apparently are passing through four separate weather zones on the way home - foggy, sunny, blizzarding, sunny.

Back at home, walking in and finding out your little son is not feeling well, and is sleeping on the couch and warm to the touch.

Having your daughter cry because she missed you. Having that same daughter make a card for her little brother because he isn't feeling well. When he finally wakes up from his nap, he tells her he doesn't want it (because he's irritable and sick). Her feelings are hurt and she cries big heartbroken tears.

Letting your other daughter go out to play in the snow in the backyard, hearing screaming a few minutes later, finding that her boot is stuck in a deep drift. She has been crying for five minutes, and you didn't hear her because you were trying to wake up your son. She's sobbing and hysterical and asking why you didn't come to help her sooner.

Some days, all you can do is hold them, while you all sit and cry together.

Here's hoping tomorrow sucks just a little less.


  1. Anonymous12:35 AM

    You're back! You're back! You're back! Your day really sucked and I'm so sorry. You're back! You're back! You're back!

    I'm so glad - blogging isn't the same without you.

  2. As my dear grandma always used to say, "This, too, shall pass."

    I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it's not forever. You're still dealing with some pretty big adjustments in your life, and for a loving, doting mom...leaving the kids at all is huge. You're not alone, but you'll soon get the hang of it all. It's just for a season in life, and I'll pray it's a short one for you and your family. God bless your day tomorrow!

  3. I had one of those days today. I still can't blog about it. Ask me tomorrow.

  4. Oh my. I hope tomorrow is a better one (or is that today?).

    Re: someone having to one-up...I had a friend who had to one-up everything I said. I got a Harry Potter book the day it came out, her sister got it a week early, etc. Turns out she was a compulsive liar, cheated on her husband while he was in Iraq, called his first sergeant and told him her husband beat her, then got pregnant and didn't know who was the father, just that it was one of four guys.

    I just don't understand people.

    (I guess I'm in a rambling mood today...sorry!)

  5. Hoping tomorrow is a little less sucky!

  6. That co-worker broad of yours? Gives women a bad name.

    Sorry about your sweet baby girl, but I hope you don't waste any guilt on it. She was stuck in some snow. She's fine. And it gives her something to hold against you, which, really, is what life's all about when you're the mother of a daughter.

  7. You think your day was sucky? You should have seen mine...

    Kidding, just kidding....put down that snow shovel....

  8. Anonymous6:20 AM

    There's a reason they have to pay you to waste part of your life at the office.

    I hope things improve for you.

  9. I hope so for you too.

    And, really? All that work stuff? Me too.....only 10 times worse!! =)

    It's got to get better, right?

  10. Anonymous6:49 AM

    "Some days, all you can do is hold them, while you all sit and cry together."

    this line just totally summed up what being a mommy is all about.

    great writing.

  11. So sad. I really do hope today is better.

  12. I tried and tried to find that Penelope skit from Saturday Night Live to cheer you up, but I'm apparently retarded. I hope someone else finds it and leaves a link in your comments.

  13. At least I hope you now have a sound World of Warcraft strategy. I mean, then the day wouldn't be a total loss, right?

  14. Oh, hon. I feel your pain. I'm thinking of you!

  15. What a yucky day! I hope today is better.

  16. *hugs* I hate days like that! Hope today is better for you.

  17. Here's hoping today is better than yesterday was!

    Good luck and I sure hope your son is well.

  18. Leeee-roooooooy Jenkins!!!!!

    I love that your work talks about World of Warcraft. It's like a little piece of nerd heaven. I'm so glad there's a safe place for people like that to gather and discuss.

    Hopefully they'll get it out of their systems at work, and none of us will have to EVER hear about it again.

  19. I do believe that puts you in the Top 50 of the Suckiest Days in the History of the World.

    Here's hoping today is less ... suckier.

  20. Yay! I'm so glad you're back! It's actually good that you took a break because it gave me time to catch up on all your old posts. You are one funny lady...I wish I'd known you when I lived in N. Utah County--maybe I wouldn't have hated it so much!
    Thanks for keeping me entertained! Oh, and sorry your day sucked. I hope things get better!

  21. I feel ya! I am currently stuck in a never-ending episode of "The Sick and The Sobbing." Can't wait to see if the teddy bear runs off with the box of tissues. Oh, the drama!

  22. I'm so sorry you had a crappy day. Mommy guilt about working is bad enough without your kids having a total melt down. I hope tomorrow is better.

  23. Oooh, bummer. I'm so glad I work at home and don't have to actually deal with people.

  24. Yikes! Your day indeed suckth. The your chair is fine reminds me of a book. My Chair is Okay, Your Chair is Okay...

  25. We sit on the couch and cry all the time ato my house.

  26. I'm so glad you're back.

    Having a few really stellar moments myself these days but mostly, I'm tired of hearing myself whine.

    I'm so glad your back! How come when you have sucky days, it doesn't sound like you're whining?

  27. I had a day of crying yesterday too! Not my kids, just me.

  28. I used to work in a cubicle too. There was a guy in our office that was the male version of Penelope.
    Great fun! :0P

  29. Yay, you're back! Sorry you had to come back and report on such a crappy day.

  30. The snow? See, the snow would suck very much for me. And to have months and months of it, or even weeks and weeks, shoot, make that a day.

    I can't even think about it.

  31. re: one-upping. Last year when I told my visiting teacher that I had to have my gallbladder removed she replied, "Oh, Honey, I had mine removed twice!"


  32. Oh boy, I can relate to the work related meeting stuff way to much for comfort. Just add on waiting for the train for 30 minutes in the rain and we had the same workday :o) The same and not on bit worse (don't want to be a one upper)

  33. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Sounds like you need a mom. And a night out.

  34. "Trying not to roll your eyes when people stir up drama over totally inconsequential things" Do you work where I work, cuz I do this on a DAILY basis to people!

    And I hope beyond hope that the World of Warcraft servers explode and can never return! (My husband is an addict, I swear!!!!!!!) I am not sure what I would do if my co-workers started talking about it too. I think my head would explode.

  35. One time, I was late to pick up my daughter from school---and I had no real excuse I was just running behind schedule---and she was devastated! where were you? why didn't you come get me sooner? I was scared, etc. etc. It was a huge bummer. We try to be there for them all the time, but sometimes, it just doesn't happen. Poor little buggers. And then a double whammy when her brother wouldn't accept her card? poor baby!!

  36. I shed a little tear about daughter stuck outside, break my heart, the poor thing.

    Sorry you had such a sucky day!

  37. Despite the fact that you've already had 39 comments, I just had to say,"I don't care who got a new chair. My chair is fine. Your chair is fine. SHUT UP so that we can end this freaking meeting" should be made into one of those motivational posters and hung in every office across America!

  38. I feel your pain Sue... I had to give up my office for a new manager and now I am in a cubical... I hate it... I hate corporate anything (unless they are payng me well so I can be self-employed)... I hate corporate politics and the fact that so many people think their job is what life is all about... well people I hate to break it to you but for some of us THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN SOME CRUDDY JOB!!!!!!

    Ahhhhh, I feel better now... for a few minutes... until I remember I have to go back to that crappy job tomorrow...

    How depressing.
