Friday, November 30, 2007

Random, Random, Random

Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away Dragonfly tagged me for Seven Random things. At least I think it was Dragonfly. I just went to her blog and couldn't find where she did the meme, but I'm sure it was her. Or else it was someone else. But I think it was her. Possibly. I don't know. I'm confused now.

But I figure seven random things would be easy because if I am nothing else, I am random.

1. I love saying "That's so random," even though I know that really bugs people. It's just - so true. I get on kicks where I'll say it all the time, and then it won't pop into my head for months.

2. Numbers have personality traits in my head. For example, Seven, Nine, Eight, and Three are mean, angry numbers. Four is a nice number, and so is Two. Five and Zero can be angry or nice, depending upon what other numbers are around. Six is a nice number, but sometimes it is mischevious. And so on. (I blame Sesame Street for this.) Same thing with some colors - orangey red in particular is an angry, angry color.

3. My mom used to call me the absent minded professor and it's completely apt. Once I learn how to do something technical, I can remember it forever, but I can't remember where I put things. I can never find my car keys, or my purse, or my shoes, or my coat. I used to call my husband at work to ask him where my shoes were. And that thing where you're looking for your keys, looking, looking, looking, looking, and then you discover you are holding them in your other hand? I do that all the time.

4. I love it when my husband gets a zit on his back and lets me pop it. See, half of the people who read that just got reeeeeeally grossed out, but the other half of you are like - oh, YEAH baby. You're either a zit popper or you're not. I never had bad acne, luckily. If I had, my face would have been completely and totally scarred, because I would not have been able to stop popping my own zits.

5. I hosted Book Club on Wednesday night. It was, as always, really fun. I love the women in our book club. They're all so smart and down to earth. The only reason I'm telling you about this is to prove to people that I do actually, from time to time, interact with real live humans. I know after the last post, some of you were wondering.

6. As a kid, the theme from the Electric Company made me want to kill people. Really. I'd hear "HEEEEEY YOOOOOOOU GUYS" and I would be looking for knives. It just made me irrationally angry. I can't imagine if someone stuck me in an orangey-red room with the number nine written on my hand and the theme from Electric Company playing. I'd probably turn into a serial killer or something.

7. I hate my dog. Someday I will explain why. It's not that complicated though. It has a lot to do with poo. Anything that eats its own poo is quite frankly, not something I wish to be intimately acquainted with.


  1. I can beat number 3 (this is a contest, right?). I can be holding the baby on my hip (my own hip, okay, with my arm around him/her) and simultaneously ask one of my kids, "Where's the baby?"

    Sad, but true. You should see the look on the kid's face. I guess you could call it frightened.

  2. I've looked everywhere for things in my own hand AND like suburbancorrespondent, I've wondered where a kid was that I was holding.

    I liked Electric Company. I never would have guessed it would incite violence.

  3. Your assigning emotions to numbers reminded me that I assign all letters, numbers, and even colors I think, gender. They are either male or female in my mind. Don't know why. But it's always been that way. I should write a post about it.

  4. Freud would have a field day with the colors and numbers thing..LOL

    I'm a zit popper too so I totally get it.

  5. OK, so I do the number thing too, only 8 is the grumpy pants one in my book!

  6. great list...thanks AGAIN for the giggles.

  7. Eww...doggie, doggie, must learn. No eating poo. I couldn't handle that either.

    I'd love to join a book club. I need that real human interaction :)


  8. Hey, what book did your group read and discuss with much intellect? Don't keep us in suspense!

  9. HA! HA! Love number 4! I'm a popper... actually, any kind of grooming someone else will let me do for them, I'm there. Must be a primal ape kind of thing.

    Have you ever heard Steve Martin's bit about looking for your keys? "Put your keys in your right hand. Now look for your keys. Can't find them? They're in your right hand!" Hilarious!

  10. I'm totally with you on the dog thing. Arggg
    But the red orange? Isn't that Elmo's color? I love red orange AND orange red.

  11. I'm a popper too, and a phone avoider, and a number/letter/color person. Four is my favorite, special number. We have so much in common! ;)

  12. Keetha - this month we read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. It was a good book, but there wasn't a lot to discuss, so we mostly just ended up talking and laughing about whatever. Book club is SO wonderful, I love it.

    Angela - we're weird twins!

  13. Yellow invokes hostility.

    Seven is a wonderful, complicated number.

    I also call my husband at work and ask where my keys (shoes, phone....) are.

  14. I did the same meme this week. (And I almost tagged you. Glad to see someone else was picking up my slack.)

    I'm a little less random on the numbers thing, but I do believe even numbers are happy and odd numbers are evil.

    And I couldn't agree with you more on the dog/poop thing. We are currently dog-less, and I'm delighted to be dealing with only human poop for a time.

  15. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Several people in my wife's extended family also have Synesthesia. Its a fascinating condition!

    Here is an article on it on Wikipedia:

    And here is a PDF of an article that appeared in Scientific American on Synesthesia:

    You are already aware of these probably, but I thought I'd share anyway.

  16. The other day I swore I saw my 4 and 5 year old's walk out the door to their friend's house. I called my friend about 5 minutes later to make sure they made it and playing was okay (they like 3 doors down). She said they weren't there and she hadn't seen them.

    I freaked out- until I looked down in the basement where they were sleeping in front of the tv and looked like they had been for a while. I'm sure she thinks I'm nuts.

    I also hate dogs, and am totally a zit popper.

  17. Oh my gosh. I have a CONDITION. Paul, I'd never heard of that before. Wow, I feel so special and diagnosed. And all this time I thought the only diagnosis would be that I was crazy.

    The wikipedia article is fascinating. One person with it said, ""T’s are generally crabbed, ungenerous creatures. U is a soulless sort of thing. 4 is honest, but… 3 I cannot trust… 9 is dark, a gentleman, tall and graceful, but politic under his suavity" and I totally GET what he is saying, even though I cannot agree about his characterizations. And the music and color thing - totally me too.

    Huh, so apparently I 'm not nuts! (At least not about this!) Who knew?! Now if I ever meet John Mayer we have something to talk about.

  18. Those Mt. Vesuvius zits are the best kind. I just don't like it when they explode onto my glasses.

  19. i am so with you on the zit popping! Why is it so deliciously disgusting?

  20. OMG! My dh thought I was the only back zip popper on earth. I'm so glad I'm not the only one!

    And 4 is my favorite number too!

  21. I'd like to get some good book group suggestions. Mine read "Curious Incident of Dog in the Night" last February. The presenter had a lot of extra info about autism that added to discussion. However, some of the stuff we've read this past year have left a lot to be desired. I'll email you my good read list and the ones to avoid. Then you can send me yours.:)

    Oh - I'm a zit popper too and love to peel skin from a bad sunburn.

  22. Colour and number thing? Ditto. Back zit popping? Oh yeah baby.

  23. I'm a zit-popper, too. But I'm particular about which kind. I prefer the ones where solidified or thick stuff pops out, and not gushers. And will only do this sort of monkey grooming on members of my own immediate family.

    When I had morning sickness during my last pregnancy, I actually gagged after seeing a particularly nasty zit hanging off of some kids face behind the counter at McDonald's.

    I also like cleaning out my boys ears with q-tips after they take their showers or baths. Only my boys, though. It grosses me out to see cornflakes in anyone else's ears.

    Gross, huh? Maybe I should have gone anonymous for this one, lol.

  24. Yes to #4. Another zit popper here.

    OMG, I can't believe I just admitted that. Ewwwwwww.

  25. I totally get your number thing. I'm the same way. Four is the nicest number in my world. And I'm a zit popper.

  26. I've never even gone to book group. Is it really fun? My group's probably different but it seems like a bunch of older ladies. I'm actually going to the Melting Pot with a bunch of friends tonight to talk about the Twilight Series! My first book group ever (but I picked the group!).

  27. I enjoy popping my own zits but my X MADE me pop his all the time and it made me crazy.

    The sound on Jeopardy. The bomp, bomp, bomp if they take too long to answer a question. That sound. I can hear it all over the house. Crazy making!

  28. Anonymous1:04 PM

    For me, I like numbers that are in sequence with each other, like this made-up example:

    A phone number:


    See, the 396 is pleasing to me because all the numbers are divisable by 3. And the 8271 is neat because the 8 and 7 are one number apart as well as the 2 and the 1, not to mention that they're each one number apart physically. The same thing with birthdays: 08/08/80 is awesome!
    Fun post! :)

  29. I like you, Sue. I think we would be fast friends.
    P.S. I do the number thing, too.

  30. Gee, do nuts attract nuts or what? This is so hilarious. I must say that I am a #3 and I just try to avoid numbers altogether, don't trust a single one of them and never plan on getting to know their personalities either. I love all colors. There are no ugly colors, just bad color combinations. Unfortunately there are a few colors out there that don't get along with any of the others. Like the color of American cheese. When I was a kid I couldn't even look at the stuff because it would give me a headache. Now i can look at it if you just don't make me eat it, because that will give me a headache.
    Sue, you seem so much like my daughter, except grown up. It gives me hope (I think.)

  31. #6 makes me think of the Goonies. "Hey you guu-uuuuuyyyys!"

  32. Okay, how many comments does it take to make you popular?? You're past double digits - do the happy dance!

    I'm with you on the dog thing. I snorted reading Becky's comment! Too funny!

  33. "It's the plumber, I am here to fix the sink!" My favorite lines from Electric Company. I loved it, sorry Sue.
    The rest? Um interesting or gross, depending.

  34. About #4, the best/worst is when you remember the best zit pops EVAH!

  35. These were "so random" - HAR HAR! These were cool random things - I just posted mine this evening - the zit thing kind of creeped me out - but I do wierd stuff too, just not gonna admit to mine. I've been considering the Blogher ads myself - hope they work out for you. Take care. Kellan

  36. I'm just like you on the number thing, except in my world, 7 is mean, 6 is obnoxious, 5 is the kind older brother to 4, and 3&2 are just babies.
    I'm a popper too. I have a teenager. Nuff said.

  37. I'm a total popper. But my dh won't let me near him. :( Ah well!

  38. I have always really liked even numbers. I always thought I would have an even number of kids. Now, I'm not so sure. We will just take it one kid at a time.
    I enjoy popping a good zit especially a blackhead.

  39. I was just reading all these funny comments and I suburbancorrespondent's reminded me about the time not shortly after my baby girl was born we had gone to pick up Cafe Rio for dinner. When we got home the baby was asleep in her carseat so we just put it on the floor in the family room and commenced eating our dinner. My mom, who had not gone with us, asked me where my daughter was. I didn't answer her because I didn't realize she was talking to me. She had to ask me again before I realized that yes, she was in fact talking to me, and yes, I did have a daughter. That's right. I completely 100 % forgot that I had a baby girl, nevermind that not a week before I was in labor and miserable up to my eyeballs. I had forgotten I had daughter.

  40. Annie, you should totally put that in her baby book. Or.... not. tee hee

  41. My husband calls me all the time to ask where his shoes/drinks/comb/children's jackets/book I haven't seen in months are.

    It drives me nuts! As if I keep a mental map of our house with the contents super-imposed!


  42. Yup, it was me. Or was it? Perhaps it was the Phantom Tagger. *mwaa-haa-haa*

    I immediately thought of The Goonies too, mostly because I had a good friend who could say "Hey you guys!" exactly like in the movie.

    For me, orange is happy. Always happy. I can't be upset when I wear orange. (Unless I'm wearing my orange Hope shirt and Calvin beats them at basketball. Then I'm upset and sad..but that's a whole other story..)

    I wish I had a book group. I read endlessly, but I never have anyone to talk to about what I read. I don't know enough people here, maybe I'll have to check at the library to see if anyone has book groups posted. I'd totally start my own, but I don't know enough people who would come.

    Sorry to ramble. Thanks for answering the tag, I think it's fun to read stuff that random! ;)

  43. Glad to know I have a fellow fascinated-about-zitts sister out there -- my obsession is so bad; I think I'm part monkey.

    Hmmmm, that's not really all I want to say in this comment (so gross and primative) but I don't really have anything else to say....

    Oh, I know, Happy Holidays! and Love.

  44. My absent minded professor quality is that I have a great memory except for numbers. It took me years to master my social security number. I keep my ATM PIN number hidden in my purse so I can get money and it always amazes me when people can recite phone numbers from memory.

  45. Anonymous8:07 AM

    "synesthesia may contribute to superior memory abilities "...well, that apparently isn't a consistent result! This whole synesthesia concept is new to me and very fascinating. As a kindergarten teacher, I am wondering how it influences my students as they learn letters, numbers, and writing.
    Book clubs. I don't like them. When I read it is like entering a private world, and I don't like sharing my experiences with other people because, if their experience doesn't match mine, I feel invalidated somehow. It almost feels like I went to China and they are saying, "no, you were in France." Now is that weird?

  46. Anonymous8:14 AM

    And, Sue, I guess I've never told you about your twin that I forgot and left in the shopping cart at Wal-Mart when I loaded everyone into the car. That is why we have that awful odd number of children instead of a comfortable even number in our family. I think she is now writing on your blog.

  47. I was a huge fan of Electric Co. and "Hey you gu-ys!" was my favorite line.

    Are we still friends?

  48. I can relate to your issues with the Electric Company. When I was in 5th grade, I had a home perm that basically looked like a lion's mane. My brother's would say that I would call my "kingdom" by saying, "Heeeeey yoooou Guys!" It made me so angry. What a dumb show that was.

  49. I love the numbers thing. That cracks me up! and the zip-popping? GROSS!!!

  50. I sold out to the man also and just recently got my first paycheck for $30. You might be mildly excited until you find out that was for FOUR MONTHS.

    Also - the zit thing? Gross. However, I used to love it when anyone got a sunburn and you could peel off that tissue paper skin. I know. Eeeeewwwww.

  51. Numbers totally have personalities. And genders. So do some letters.
    And my husband had a blackhead on his shoulder that I wanted to pop since we were first married. I went to school to be and aestheticism and made him promise it to me. And then he popped it on his own one night. I was SO mad. Luckily he did a bad job and it came back. Then it was mine and I did a better job (HA!) and it still is in remission.
    Now you are grossed out and will never let me post again.
    Hopefully this is such an old post you won't even read it.

  52. I am soooo grossed out by this zit thing I couldn't even read the comments since they all emphatically OWNED that they follow that way of life as well. BARF! :)

  53. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I'm a teenager so I really didn't know what The Electric Company was. So I looked up the song. And OH MY GOSH it made me want to run through a wall. *shudders* It's horrible.
