Friday, November 23, 2007

In Which I Cross Over To The Dark Side And Become One Of Those Strange Contest Hosting Bloggers

Thanks SO much for all of the hilarious comments on that last post. They kept me laughing all week long during a week when I really, really needed a reason to smile. Thank you so much. And of course, since I am a GEEK, I was just completely excited by the sheer number of comments. I kept saying to my husband. "Look! Seventy comments! Seventy comments! Eeeeeeee!" And he was like, "You've been announcing them ever since you hit sixty-five, will you PLEASE STOP IT?!!"

Thanksgiving was great. We ate. And ate and ate and ate and ate and then just sort of sat around groaning for a while. I was totally doing that disgusting thing where you are so full that you burp and get a little something extra in return. Ugh.

Anyway - goodbye Thanksgiving – HELLO CHRISTMAS! I love Christmas. Not the rampant commercialism and the gift giving frenzy, but all of the other holiday goodness. I love decorating the tree and singing Christmas carols and inflicting my awful baking on my neighbors. I love Christmas parties and Christmas stories and seeing how excited my children are.

I love that it actually snows here. I grew up in Vegas. When snow comes down there, it's a newsworthy event. I’m not kidding – they break into regular broadcast TV to share the exciting news. "I'm reporting live from North Las Vegas, where over TWO INCHES of snow has accumulated over here in the shady area underneath this patio umbrella.” And the camera then cuts to approximately three hundred children trying to use that small snowy patch for sledding.

Here is a picture I took back in Vegas one year before we moved, when it “snowed.” I was so excited and sent the picture to my friend in Minnesota, who emailed back, “That does not even qualify as SNOW. That’s – frost. You are a PANSY.”

Still, it was very exciting. We got the kids all bundled up, gloves, boots, coats – but by the time they got out there it had mostly melted. These days that much snow wouldn’t qualify for boots – it would barely even be a reason to put on flip flops. Still, I remember singing “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas," and feeling so wistful, wishing it would snow.

Hey. Pssssst…. You want to hear about my own personal really freaky coincidence/Christmas miracle (depending upon how cynical you are)?

One year in Las Vegas in December, when I was a kid, we were having a genuine cold snap and it was raining. I could just feel it, that it was THIS CLOSE to snowing. I knelt down and prayed, “Please, please, make it snow. If You make it snow I will never tell a lie again. Ever again. I promise.” I prayed with every bit of faith I could muster and I kid you not, five minutes later it started snowing. It was amazing.

So if this was a fake story, this would be where I changed my ways and never lied again. Obviously, that did not happen. Instead, I rationalized later that REALLY, technically, God hadn’t made it snow. It hadn’t even stuck to the ground! It was only sleet. What a jip-off! Bargain with God – SO NOT BINDING.

Lack of snow notwithstanding, we had a lot of fun traditions. Sometimes our parents would take us out for a drive to see all of the Christmas lights. Sometimes we even convinced my parents to take us down to the Strip to see the really BIG lights. Cruising the strip is probably not a typical Christmas tradition, I realize, but it was always fun, and we would sing Christmas carols as we drove past the Golden Nugget.

On Christmas Eve, our family would all dress up in bathrobes with scarves or towels on our heads and act out the Nativity scene. The girls always fought over who got to be Mary or the Angel. The younger, less aggressive kids ended up having to pretend to be shepherds, or even worse, sheep. I always wanted to be the narrarator, because then I'd get the biggest “part,” and I could control what was going on and who went where and I’d get to talk a lot. (Some things don’t change.) We still do it in our family, but we inflict it on the grandchildren – and they love it. And we love it.

Now that I’m married and have kids, my DH and I are still trying to build our own family traditions. DH refuses to go caroling with us. Last year we used our nativity set to act out the story. Unfortunately, the ceramic babe in the manger is now headless, the victim of an overzealous shepherds cane. We’re still kinda working on building our own traditions. I’m hoping to get some ideas from all of you for fun, creative, (hopefully cheap) stuff we can do with our kids this season, that will hopefully evolve into fun traditions.

What are your favorite Christmas / holiday traditions? 


  1. Do you realize what you've started? You'll be glued to your computer screen 24/7, eyes glazed over, children screaming for attention. How can you even possibly make an unbiased, intelligent decision under those circumstances?

    P.S. How many times can a blogger enter your contest?

  2. Connie, I do that anyway. ;>

    One entry per contestant.

    Contestant. I feel so - game showey.

  3. OH I so have a good one! I am excited!

  4. Yes! I'm so nerdy (and so excited about the contest) that I posted immediately. Here it is:

  5. Shoot. The link broke. Here it is, in two parts:

    Sorry if that's annoying. At least I left you extra comments...

  6. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Oh baby do I love a good contest. I should warn you though, I'm very competitive, especially when the promise of shopping is involved. Sounds like fun so count me in.

    p.s. I was just going to add another comment on to your other post and ask how geeky can you really be if you can get more than 70 comments on one post. People love you.

  7. You are such a weasel! We have to comment twice (twice!) just to participate. Cheater! Cheater! And you're paying people for this. Doesn't that amount to bribery? I cannot believe you are getting away with this!

    And, yes, look for my holiday tradition post. You may be a weasel, but I'm a first-class sucker.

  8. {{rubbing hands together ala Mr. Burns}} Yes, SC, my pretty, soon I will have many blogs linking me and many comments and my evil and brilliant plan to ascend from the 127th tier of mommy bloggers to the 126th tier will be COMPLETE, mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha

    Plus it's fun to give stuff away at Christmas time. :>

  9. Oh I'm in!!! I'll let you know when I post!! I love this time of year!!

  10. I'm in, but how do you link to this blog...or whatever this linking thing is?

  11. Darla -
    To make a link, when you are writing your post (if you are using Blogger) click on the little hyperlink button (looks kinda like a paperclip or link and is right next to the font color button) and then paste in this website address:

    That will make a link from your blog to this post. Hope that helps!

  12. And thank you CW. You are so kind, and so are the people who stop by here.

  13. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I have no blog, so I can't play, but I enoyed the post anyway. I can't imagine wishing for it to snow!

  14. Hi Sue - glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving - we did too. I went out shopping today when I swore I wouldn't and I'm goin' tomorrow too - realized it would get me out of the house (away from the kids) since I have two 15 year old girls that can babysit!!! Have a good weekend - see you soon. Kellan

  15. Wait a minute... some of us need to move to another state this week and can't enter until December 4th or 5th because that is when our internet will be on in the new place... I think the date should be pushed back a few days!

    "I heard that!"

    I can't do it tonight because we are finishing up packing and in order to win I will have to think a bit about which tradition to use!

  16. So do these need to be real traditions, or can I make something up? ;)

  17. Made up is totally fine. I just want great ideas - it doesn't matter if you've actually tried them or not.

  18. that sounds like fun but i'm not sure if grumbling about which day/time which eating/gifting event will be and at whose house qualifies as a "tradition."

    but i'll be thinking.

  19. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I really need to get a blog, dang it.

    I think its so funny that you took a picture of that teeny tiny dusting of snow. You really WERE excited. Ha ha!

  20. I am so up for this. Have a fabulous (and cheap!) idea for ya that my mum always used to keep us in line during the Christmas season. =)

  21. Okay, so my family was SO NOT one of those Christmas tradition families. So I have none to share, but am so excited to hear everyone else's!

  22. I'm going to do it. But I'm going to take full advantage of the deadline and probably wait until the last minute. I have been a pathetic blogger lately! I can't muster up the strength to write ANYthing! even though I have your contest, 2 meme's, and a friday favorites list to write, I'm at a loss. Ugh!
    And aren't you such the little comment seeker? We have to comment twice to win?!?! (love it, way to build the numbers!)

  23. OK I want to play, so I post on my page, then link to here, then. . . . AHHHHHH! I'm lost already.

  24. OK, I'm in. But you have to know that your very favorite aunt really, really thinks you're cool and you are my most favorite niece, (which is saying something - I have oodles of them). You have the most beautiful, clever, lovable children on the planet. Your dog's poop doesn't smell. Is that enough sucking up to get one of those gift cards?:)

    P.S. I prefer the Barnes and Noble gift certificate since the closest Target is 10 - 15 miles away. Thank you very much.

  25. hee hee

    Connie, I am printing that comment out to use for my future benefit. (I'll just leave out the part about the gift certificates.)

    Priscilla - basically you just need to mention this post on your blog with a link. ;>

  26. i love it. and i'm in if i can think of something.

  27. Sue I want to do it, but then I am afraid of being not funny and just schmaltzy.

    Can you put me down for a maybe??

  28. Count me in! I hope I win! I hope I win!

  29. Kalli - you don't need to be funny (although you usually are) - sappyness is welcome ;>

  30. Sue! *Lurve* that picture from Vegas with the "snow". I burst out laughing. Can only imagine the puddles that were left when the kids finally made it outside. All bundled up. LOL.

    I've got some fantastic shots from the cottage this weekend, which I will post whenever I get around to blogging (ie. after I've managed to beat Google Reader down. I'll be here all night. Dammit!) - you should send *them* to your Minnesotan friend instead. Pansy - smansy!


  31. I hooted over the whole Frost-snow thing, grew up in Alberta, moved to Texas (for a few years) and said the same thing a lot! Now I just miss Texas. Anyhoo- I will be playing along, just don't know when! I'll let you know!

  32. Oh, I love Xmas too! Also your blog! Thanks for coming by mine so I could find yours - you're hysterical!

  33. I did it! I put the post up right here! And, technically, there are TWO links to you!

    Thanks for this -- it was good to write it all down.

  34. Count me in! I just need a few days to compile all of the wonderful, creative, fun, inexpensive activities that I do with my kids each year. (or at least what I would do if I had that kind of time and energy)

  35. You are so incredibly cool! (That's my attempt at brown-nosing.) Here's mytradition post for all it's worth (hopefully $50 in gift certificates!) I must point out how I linked to your blog 3 times. Yes, three. Now, that's pretty impressive brown-nosing if I do say so myself!

  36. Anonymous7:50 AM

    And here's mine.

    --Monday, November 26, 7:50 a.m.

    Can't wait to read all the others!

  37. Hi -- me again. Just wanted to let you know that I just updated my post to add another tradition. (I'm so disappointed that I didn't include this one in the first version -- especially since it's something that I've been working on, casually, for about a month, and which I think about year-round.) Enjoy!

  38. I posted! I have no idea how to write the link in the comment (not a techie-geek just a life geek.) But it's on my blog and I wrote aobut it on the 26th!

  39. Alright, I'm in.

  40. Alright, I'll try again since I'm apparently super dumb and couldn't even get the whole link address in.


  41. alright I posted on the 27th! Again, I hope I win! I hope I win! Not likely, I never win anything...I'm kinda a nerd like that. Whatever. Oh yeah, I love your blog!

  42. I promise I am going to check all of these, just having a crazy day or so - thank you for playing everyone!!!

  43. Sue,
    My post for the contest is up. This is the ONLY thing I have accomplished today.

    Thursday Nov. 29

  44. I posted my contest entry on November 29.

    Pick me! Pick me!:)

  45. ok, I'll play. I will probably have to make some stuff up, but I'm game.

  46. Here it is.

    posted 11-29-07

    Not sucking up or anything in order to win, but this is a really great idea!

  47. I went and posted my traditions!! I loved this contest...wonderful idea!!!

  48. My holiday post is up.
