Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Please help. Someone somehow slipped in here during the night and traded this child:

For this one:

Also reported missing - two other children, as pictured below:

Curiously, older versions of the same children are present in the home, however, parents believe a mistake has been made, as their children now appear much older than seems logical.


If you have any information about how this possibly could have happened, distraught mother seeks information leading to recapture of last three years.
On a completely unrelated note, parents would like to sponsor research into projects involving stopping time and freezing children. If interested in participating in these projects, please indicate below.

Thanking you in advance,


P.S. Sniff.

P.P.S. I want a time machine. And possibly another toddler.


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Isn't it WEIRD how they suddenly do that? Eliza described herself as a "little big kid" the other day, and it's true. Not a baby, not a toddler — a KID. HOW did I get one of these? My MIL, who doesn't see her that often, seems weirdly oblivious. She still calls Eliza "the baby," as in, "I want to visit and come see the baby." I'm all, lady, we have no babies around here!

  2. When you find out, will you let me know?
    Suddenly I have an 8 year old. I have no idea how she came to be that old.

  3. Sign me up! Sign me up! My adorable little tot with his adorable little chubby little stubby legs turns six in two weeks. Wha??

    The mind boggles.

    I seldom look at scrapbooks and old photos anymore. It kind of hurts.

  4. awww...sniff. I don't think you'll find them...but how fun to have those neat new kids!

    *word verification: moldvuc. Yucky.

  5. Since I live with a child in the height of the terrible twos, are you sure you want 3 toddlers?

    If you think time flies, try looking at your youngest when he's 21. Where did the time go? I'm not any older, of course.

  6. This post makes me cry thinking of mine. ~sniff~

  7. I agree... except I find it deeply satisfying that as they get older- the things I have been trying to teach them (and wondering if they are listening) come out! But yes, I would love to hold all of my children when they were babies- if only for a moment!

  8. Um, I'd just like to have a KID back. Not the humongously large teenager that inhabits my life.

  9. I loved seeing those pictures. They are soooo cute!! I'm all for your research project.

  10. your kids are so cute! It's so weird when you have KIDS and not BABIES. . . and someone's a bit baby hungry, I can here your ovaries rumbling from here.

  11. Oh Sue! That was so brilliantly funny! And so very sad at the same time...

  12. I feel you. I can hardly even look at younger pics of my 11 year old daughter. I ache to have that time back.

  13. The part I don't get? How they manage to age twice as much as I do in the same amount of time.
    Your kids are beautiful!

  14. Your children are so beautiful, Sue! I know just how you feel; it was not all that long ago that my girls' legs and cheeks were chubby and cherub-like and now they're turning into tweens!!! They don't want toys for Christmas anymore but clothes and ipods! Sigh.

  15. Oh, I have those moments sometimes. Those sweet babies. But anytime my ovaries start rumbling, I think of how much fun it is to parent my teens. This is the best birth control in the world.

  16. Oh Sue, I know! But mine are EVEN OLDER. And they were just born yesterday. Double *sniff*.

    Let me know what you find out about that time machine.

    Oh, and I'm glad you are back. I was MISSING your blog!


  17. what makes me really sad or maybe I'm frightened is that the first 7 years flew by and I know that when I turn around again she will be 14! I reason to enjoy each day...

  18. You can have my toddler if you promise not to return him until he's done being a monster. Much obliged.

  19. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Boo-hoo, mine are too big too. Sniffle.

  20. Oh they grow soooo fast. It kills me!

  21. I am terribly interested in the freezing time machine.

  22. I could cry, just thinking of each of mine at age 2. Just to be able to hold them and love them at that age once more....

  23. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Now Sue, think back to all those moments that drove you crazy when they had fits and couldn't tell you what was wrong, when they were all in diapers, midnights pacing the floor with screaming babies, etc., etc. Your kiddos are semi-civilized now. Enjoy it while you can before they become ...oh no!....teenagers! This early childhood age is my most favorite..they can speak, they can use the toilet, they can walk on their own, but they are still innocent, curious, imaginative, and excited about life. You are so lucky to have such gorgeous, sweet children! This is the age I would freeze if it were possible.

  24. Is little tiny toddler Jacob holding a KNIFE in that picture?

    You're kids are cute and funny now, though. And almost old enough to understand Don't Touch the Ground Tag! Fun! (Though you'll need to get some more walls and such in your backyard for that to be a truly effective game.)

  25. I want to freeze them and also make them mostly independent; able to cook dinner and do my laundry. They should also still be fascinated by tootsie rolls

  26. smell of smoke
    from wood burning stoves

    ripe red apples,
    crushed black cloves

    crunchy leaves of brown and gold
    pumpkins bigger than I can hold

    spookiest masks I’ve ever seen—
    something’s coming –

    Have fun! Kim Sue

  27. Gorgeous kids, little AND big...
    too fast.

    Hey - I can't find your email address...

  28. what beautiful babies... er, children...

  29. Awwwww - they're adorable! They really do grow fast, don't they?

  30. It's nuts to see how fast they grow up! Especially when we live so far away now! ;( boo hoo............I will totally help fund a time machine..........maybe I can get my pre-baby-after-baby body back too, huh?!

  31. I'd like a time machine, but not sure about another toddler. Though I WAS noticing today how very long and thin my 3.5-year-old's legs are now. They used to be covered in rolls! Sniff.
