Sunday, July 08, 2007

Happy Fourth!

On the fourth, we drove up to my mother’s house. She lives in Oakley, a little town near Park City. We started the day with an old fashioned, small-town parade, joined by my sister Diana and her children. We walked “downtown” and found a spot on the parade route.

The kids were ready for action. My mom and sister made patriotic felt bags for each of the kids so that they could collect the candy that would be thrown from the parade floats.

There were many small timey, fun floats. Some were very creative, some were a bit more puzzling. This float, for example, consisted of kids on four wheelers. I'm not sure what the patriotic tie-in was, other than the red, white and blue decor. My brother assured me that four wheelers, in and of themselves, are patriotic.

To the delight of the melting crowd, a firetruck came by and squirted us all...

After the parade, we went to an adjacent town auditorium to watch a charming patriotic program put on by some very talented "townies" (including my mom and brother). My favorite part was when the emcee referred to the Parade Grand Marshalls, who had moved to the town 50 years prior from a town up the road, as "move-ins."

After lunch at the town barbecue, we headed back to Highland for some downtime, followed by sparklers and fireworks.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a fun 4th of July! We are going to have to plan on visiting Utah for the next 4th of July! A parade, a program, fun with family, that's what we need!

  3. gotta love Oakley! little towns are so cute. we did pioneer day there once, & they did it up proppa! rodeo, parade, fireworks...very fun.

    glad you had Diana & the girls, too. did the kids have a blast together?

  4. Four wheelers are patriotic, huh? Interesting. I wonder what the partriotism-level of snowmobiles are, given Oakley's 10-month winter and all.

  5. It was awesome to have Diana up here. I really miss having family around!!!

  6. HEY! We're family! We're around!

  7. You know I love you Wendy. But sometimes it's fun to see everyone ELSE too. ;>

  8. Pssshaw. Everyone else does not matter. Haven't you learned this yet?
